The Best ‘Ruleset’ To Use Stone Golem

in #neoxian2 years ago

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The Best ‘Ruleset’ To Use Stone Golem
Hello players, how are you today? I want to say thank you to all splinterlands team for the effort you put on splinterlands that makes it work perfectly.

This week's challenge is using stone golem in battle and sharing it. One of the areas I love to use stone golem is behind the lineup in the battle. This is the position I use this monster most In this battle, I am going to share the battle with you and why I love using this monster in this area.

stone golem is a rare earth monster with shield bility, the shield ability is what makes this monster suitable to use to defend in battles. From level one to the last level the speed is nothing to be written about. The highest speed of this monster of flesh golem is 3. from level one to level seven, it has 1 and 2 melee attacks. At level one, when using golem against another monster with shield ability, it won’t damage any health against such a monster.
Stun ability is also one of the abilities of stone golem; it can only be activated in level 5. Therefore you are going to need 21 stone golem to leveled up.
The shield ability of stone golem can not stop magic attack monsters and does not have any ability to stop magic monsters. The effect of shield ability can only be felt on range and melee attack monsters.
The health is good, I think stone golem is good for battles of mana above 25.

Super Sneak: All melee attack monsters have the sneak ability.
This ruleset is where stone golem functions most for me. I used stone golem when a super sneak ‘ruleset’ is given to me, and the reason is to defend against monsters with a high number of melee attacks in the battles. Just like in this battle.

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click here to watch the battle.

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Nectar Queen: the number of health was one major thing that made me select queen nectar and the mana given to me also gave the advantages to choose the monster. Looking at my lineup, you would discover that queen nectar is the monster with the highest health in my lineup. I just wanted a monster that would stay longer in the battle. I knew to damage 12 healths is going to take a long time.
Another factor was the melee, this type of battle is where monsters with higher melee attack are needed.
Even when the shieldbearer of my opponent monster was eliminated, queen nectar was still in the battle. When shieldbearer was resuscitated, it was killed again; queen nectar was still in the battle. It was the third round that queen nectar was destroyed in the battle.

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Flesh Golem: wonderful backup incase queen nectar is eliminated. According to my plan, I knew queen nectar would be destroyed, so I decided to place flesh golem since melee monsters can attack in any position.
After queen nectar was eliminated at 3rd round, it was flesh golem that led the battle and it wasn't eliminated in the battle.
Another factor that made me choose flesh golem was the increasing health ability it possessed. Despite being attacked by goblin mech, it continues to increase its health.

Rexxie: I have to hide this monster in between so that it won’t get pulled off in time. This is one of the monsters I trust in this battle. You could see that it's attack was really felt in this battle, damaging 5 health per attack and did not miss the target throughout the battle.

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Sandworm: one of the monsters with highest melee in the catalogue of my monsters. An attack from this monster simply means 6 health is damage from the target. Most of the time when this monster misses a target, I give up in such a battle: missing a target is a terrible thing to me that can lead to my defeat.
Sandworm attacked shieldbearer, 6 health was damaged that led to its elimination by harvester. Just an attack eliminates venari crytalsmith: that is how powerful sand worm is. This is the reason I love using sandworms in battles.

Harvester: one of the monsters i don’t like to use because it does not possess the kind of abilities i wanted. The main reason I chose this battle was the lower mana and high health of the harvester.

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Stone Golem: monster for the week. There is one major assignment I love giving this monster is to delay the opponent monsters from sneaky all my monsters from behind. The rule of the battle has stated it clear that, “SUPER SNEAK” of which I knew that most melee attack monsters would sneak from behind; because of this ruleset. I placed the stone golem as the last monster to delay so that I could win the battle.
With all the effort of goblin mech and cave slug, it took them a third round to remove the stone golem from behind. If I mistakenly put goblin mech there, which I did and later replaced it with stone golem because of mana, it would have been destroyed.
Stone golem was eliminated in the third round.

In conclusion, my opponent would have used shield ability monster as the last monster since it is a super sneak ruleset, or use thorn ability monster last monster to damage all my monsters' health since i choose melee monsters.
It would have made the battle difficult for me to win. venari crytalsmith was not the monster to placed in the last position.

I use stone golem when the need arises and I will continue using it. It is a good monster for me and am looking forward to buying more and leveling it up.