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RE: The media is grooming future criminals.

in #neoxian8 months ago (edited)

You did justice to this topic, this is one of the topics that no one talks about. Social media is becoming a negative influence in our society because the negative news trend more than anything. Imagine a secondary school girl saying she wants to go through liposuction (bbl) simply because she saw ladies on social media doing it and the trend is trending like mad😅 I don't really know but if there was a way to keep the young ones out of social media then I will rather prefer they should be off social media so they can focus on other positive aspects of life too. If not, social media is becoming something else.


If we all want it, we can do it. There is always a way we can keep the younger generations from this toxicity which is affecting them because, at the end of the day, if all this young generation is not monitored very well, they will later become our problem.