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RE: Sturt's Desert Pea

in #neoxianlast year

That's a really interesting looking flower. IS it a flower? Could be some weird insect!

I've been stacking HP and passed 40K recently. Still working on the same metaverse game, making steady progress.

Nice to hear what you've been up to. I hope the job is something you like to go to everyday. Come back again soon! :)

I'll choose Hive SBI if I'm lucky enough to win something. Thanks and have a nice day!


Just the two of you this time. I'll see you for the next one. (I almost forgot about this 🤣)

Another few Hive SBI to keep adding to that 40k Hive :)


Thanks so much! :)

Looks flowery enough for me 😅 I need to get out more with the camera 🙄

Wainsona Formosa, Sturt's desert pea, is an Australian plant in the genus Swainsona, named after English botanist Isaac Swainson, famous for its distinctive blood-red leaf-like flowers, each with a bulbous red or black centre, or "boss". It is one of Australia's best known wildflowers. Wikipedia

40k HP is an impressive figure. Hopefully the market trends up from here :)