The Glitch City Bank of Neoxian - 2021-11-08

in #neoxian3 years ago

The Glitch City Bank of Neoxian

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 4000 usd to @chronocrypto. He promises to repay 4350 usd in four months time. $1087.5 being paid each month. First payment is due Dec. 9th, 2021.

Bank shall pay Chrono to BTC address 12Fsmp1VB8tT7X8KixQDHG452UWs3uBvEQ.

Client shall repay using some major crypto the Bank accepts (including BTC, ETH, Hive)

Coingecko shall be used to determine prices.

Also, client agrees to cover any transaction fee cost.

@chronocrypto shall offer up 5000$ worth of Splinterlands cards as collateral. These
cards shall be held in chrono.hold

Cards will be delegated back to Chrono while loan is being paid back in good faith. Any SPS or Vouchers dropped shall be considered part of the collateral.

Collateral is returned upon successful completion of loan.

Volatility protection clause

The Bank may opt to value the payment currency value at an average price 
over a 24 hour period.  

The Bank may opt to value the payment currency at any price the currency 
had during the last 3 days.

Prices are determined from a pre-agreed oracle. shall be used if nothing else is specified.

Please sign below...

(pic of Glitch City from VA-11 Hall-A game)


Signed and Agreed, Cards sent to account chrono.hold

I am your Witness.

This is absolute incredible. Being able to witness this, the future, happening in front of me is just great.

A few months ago, when I found out about NFT Gaming, I talked about this to a friend: "imagine in the future, when people will be able to fully own their gaming assets...they will even be able to take loans using those assets as collateral! Don't people do mortgages on houses or cars? People will mortgage their space ships or monster cards!"

And that's literally what's happening here: a game asset being used as collateral on a loan. This is the goddamit future.

Congratulations to both parties for doing this transaction.


@neoxian how to apply for loan in your bank?

find me on Matrix chat

This is the future.

Decentralized transaction right here


whatever happened to @klye? :P

I am also curious what happened.

Can't say I'm surprised. :P

Nice to see the neoxian bank up and running again though!

I think my eyes are bleeding, he gets to play his cards while using them as collateral for a loan, which he will probably use to buy more vouchers and stuff. That's extremely cool. That can be used as sort of a leverage deal on Splinterlands cards - if I'm not mistaken.


Yap.. the last post 2 months ago. Typical developer xE He'll be back next year.

Hey man! Got sidetracked on some other chain dev shit.

HL and HSC will be getting some focus here hopefully by end of year. Fucking swamped atm. :/

I am a newbie when it comes to Neoxian, how does this bank work? Where can I read more about it?

Also, where can I find more information about Neoxian in general?


Very interesting questions you have.

The Outpost is ->
The Token is NOEXAG
The Chat is
id is
Neoxian city chat:

The latest City Paper:

That is awesome! So many creative things here !PIZZA

I think it's great news

I think it's interesting and decentralized transition

Interesting concept here, is this all done manual or automated. I want to learn more about it as I have some cards not being used.

It takes a lot of trust in the stability of the Monster Market generally to sign such a deal for the period of 4 Months. Absolutely right in my opinion, but also an amazing sign for the future direction of the Splinterlands NFTs. <3


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@stickupboys(2/20) tipped @neoxian (x1)

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