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RE: Saving money cooking at home!

in #neoxian7 months ago

Eating home is so much better than going out. At least for me it is. I really enjoy cooking and actually have a degree as a chef. Never used it but the skills and knowledge are there.
My girlfriend’s son is a really picky eater and he’s 13. He’s never used a condiment ever. Has eaten peanut butter and jelly ever day for lunch since he was 4. He won’t eat a hamburger or hot dog. He loves steak, chicken, pasta and pizza. He will eat eggs, pancakes and oatmeal though for breakfast.
My daughter on the other hand, I made a deal with when she was young. She had to try whatever I made for dinner, if she didn’t like it I wouldn’t make it again. There were very few dishes she didn’t end up liking.


Didn't know you were a trained chef. That's awesome.