NASA makes shock discovery of Earth-like alien planet outside solar system

in #new-planet5 years ago

HD 21749b was discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

It is 53 light years from Earth and is very similar to our home planet too.

It is a sub-Neptune and almost three times bigger than our planet, making it more likely to be gaseous rather than rocky.

Based on findings from space- and ground-based telescopes in recent years, astronomers now estimate there are billions of exoplanets – planets orbiting distant stars – in our galaxy alone. But what about planets that don’t orbit stars? How many rogue, or free-floating planets wander the depths of space unbound? Some have already been found, and earlier this year astronomers at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands announced results of their new study, suggesting there are some 50 billion free-floating planets in our Milky Way galaxy.

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