know yourself

in #new6 years ago


  1. The empathy is the thought to me:
    Empathy thought, I came in the following way, I replaced myself with the age group to see the story, I thought in what situations they would be happy and in which situations they would be sorry for it and took the story in this way. At the same time, I used the story to empathize about colors, which colors are good for which age group I did an analysis for.
  2. Creativity skill:
    This story is too much thought as an age group in terms of creativity, we have to go beyond our creativity because the age group is very small and the only one wrong we will do is they can have bad results. So I aimed to drag them into a concrete dream of dreams, and in doing so I made it possible to get real results.

k2.png3) Critical thinking skill:
We have criticized ourselves about whether it is meaningless among the criticisms we have made in this issue, at the same time we pay attention not to bullshit when we say creativity and we have often criticized ourselves by warning ourselves.

  1. Our resources for character selection:
    Because our characters are formed from numbers, we associate the characters with real life in terms of loving math that teaches while we use characters that will fall into the colorful dream world according to age group.
  2. The transition process from theory to practice:
    The theory was a phase of dreaming for us. After this event was over, we wrote the story and then we started to find the characters for the story, so we started looking for the pictures, and at this stage I noticed that it was a meaningful whole with the story. Sound and pictures were very important to us because in the first stage, the only thing that would attract the attention of the children was for us

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