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RE: The FairCosa Foundation - An Update on Board Members

in #new6 years ago (edited)

Hi @johnbeauty. I'm curious as to why you took my content from WEKU and posted it as your own. I do not know you, nor are you associated with the FairCosa Foundation in any way. Please refrain in the future from stealing other people's posts. It's bad form and bad karma. Oh, and it's illegal too.

Flagged for plagiarism @steemflagrewards


Can you give me a link to your weku post? Then I can approve your flag for @steemflagrewards ;)
Edit: nevermind, you came too late with your flag - the post is already paid out

Well, thanks for checking it out. I don't know how all this stuff works, but I figured this guy steals other people's stuff too, so at least he's on the radar now if he wasn't before.