Hazardous waste

in #news6 years ago

Waste is a natural result of daily human life, as a result of its industrial, agricultural, commercial and social activities, and thus re-enters the life cycles of the ecosystem. However, the environmental dilemma lies in the solid waste and in each of its varieties, This has caused a significant imbalance in the environmental system, so environmental protection agencies have had to dispose of it in intelligent and safe ways, but some may stealthily bury these waste in unknown places from the regulatory authorities. Recently, new methods have emerged in the field of dealing with solid waste, such as landfill, but with the knowledge of the official and regulatory bodies and in places dedicated to it, such as marine burial, burning, welding, thermal analysis, recycling, etc., all scientific methods reduce the risks of potential waste on The environment, and facilitate dealing with the thousands of tons lagged in each city of the world, although the degree of environmental safety and economic feasibility from one way to another, especially that the solid is a mixture of several materials, and some remnants of agricultural and animal products and meals, Another bite of waste plastic, paper, glass, metal and so on.pubelle.jpg


Generating waste is normal but poor waste management is becoming a major environmental problem world wide.

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