Time Doesn't Really Exist And Is A Product Of Humans

in #news7 years ago (edited)

 In recent years, many scientific studies have gone unnoticed by the general public — studies proving that time doesn’t exist.

One study shows that “time” is perceived differently by size. Smaller species including insects live in a slow-motion world where everything is slowed down – which explains how flying bugs are able to easily dodge an object coming at them such as a newspaper.

The study was led by scientists from Ireland who found that size affected how one perceived time and it involved more than 30 different species, including lizards, cats, dogs, birds, and mice.

The research is based off of animals’ ability to detect separate flashes of fast-flickering light.

Scientists found that “Critical flicker fusion frequency” is the point where the flashes seem to merge together and that light appears constant. Then, comparing the phenomenon in different animals revealed size relates to the perception of how one experiences “time.”“The smaller an animal is and the faster its metabolic rate the slower time passes.”

“The bigger an animal is and the slower its metabolic rate the faster time passes.”It’s very fascinating that small animals live in a slow motion world . Where it's the opposite that big Animals live in a rapid fast motion world.

So next time you play fetch with your dog (or your cat if your cat thinks its a dog), remember that smaller animals are seeing things move in slow motion and bigger animals are seeing things in hyper speed rapid mode.

That’s not all though — scientists also believe that we ourselves are affected by this phenomenon. When we are younger, we experience time faster because we too are smaller in size, and when we grow up time seems to fly by.

“It’s tempting to think that for children time moves more slowly than it does for grownups, and there is some evidence that it might,” said the study.

“Our results lend support to the importance of time perception in animals where the ability to perceive time on very small scales may be the difference between life and death for fast-moving organisms.”

Further following up with the research of size and time perception, earthquakes , can also influence and shorten our day by shifting and altering the Earth’s Axis.This happened when an Earthquake 8.8 hit Chile in 2010. Although not by a significant amount – 1.26 micro-seconds – the day got shorter, slowing the earth down.

Dr. Michio Kaku explains “that the Earth shifted three inches off its axis, several hundreds miles of plate shifted 6 feet in the earth and that increased the earth’s rotational speed. It’s a very tiny effect but it builds up over time.”

So time as we know it, seconds, minutes and hours do not exist – the only thing that exists is day, night and the current now. Human beings created time, with the invention of the clock. Time is an illusion that is experienced differently based off a person or animal’s size. So next “time” you are late for an appointment, tell the person time doesn’t exist and my perception is different then yours. On second thought, best to keep in mind that most people live in the matrix of time – for now at least.


Very interesting.
The part I find most interesting is that children DO experience time as MUCH slower. An hour for a child is like a day for an adult and a week for a child is like a half year for an adult. I remember experiencing this as a young child and also witness it in my own children now.
Very cool and a lot to ponder.

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Your entire argument revolves around the following premise: if different beings have a different perception of something, that something does not exist. This doesn't seem like a very sound premise.

Human beings did not create time; they created measures of time and methods of measuring it. It was already there before humans measured it, as was space, energy, temperature, etc... The psychological perception of time has its own subjective phenomenology, but that does not entail the non-existence of physical time.

If time isn't consecutive and consistent and depends on size does it then not exist when it's experienced differently by every single living thing on the planet?

well very interesting. With unique thoughts

If time is a product of humans what accounts for the passage of time before humans came into existence? What is the meaning of the 14 billion years since the big bang? What is the meaning of the 65 million years since the extinction of the dinosaurs? Did the speed of light shift from infinite to its current constant speed when humans arrived on the scene? This doesn't seem to make sense to me at all.

This is really well written! I never really thought of applying the concept of perception this way. Love the work! Followed/Voted

thank you check out my other work I think you will enjoy my deeper pieces this was one of my first things I wrote on www.wearechange.org

Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

Me again u damn cheetah bot :P

Very nice indeed. I get a lot out of walking my dog...
time that is ; )

Time is only matter of perception. When you are having "good times" time seems to fly by, while in hardship everything seems to be in slow motion. I think that has nothing to do with size, by my opinion is about frequency of thought process. Children can concentrate on isolated things, so less nerve stimuli means slower time perception.

The one thing I have noticed is that it is always "now".

So for example an article that is labeled "hot" is because it appeals to minds that enjoy it more but for a shorter time and so articles that make the trending list...sure hope this article makes that list.

Thanks but I doubt it since its not doing as well as my other pieces did. :)

Also you should not ask to be paid for someone else's article.

It's my article I wrote it.

This is very interesting work. Thanks for sharing and well done!

Thank you and glad you enjoyed it!

I really enjoy Michio Kaku. His voice is quite soothing.

Well written piece as usual, my friend <3

it's called "space/time" and the idea that time doesn't exist is a sophomoric, homocentric view of the paradigm that dictatest the flow of matter.

you're not a physicist or meta-physicist, clearly...

only people who understand physics at a sophomoric level agree with this statement.

go to school

"One study shows that “time” is perceived differently by size. "
this is special relativity.

Please go to school

Please learn what you are talking about before commenting on my threads and bring a valid argument since you have no idea what you are talking about.

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