Israel Bombs a Residence in Western Damascus Countryside - Syria

in #news6 months ago

Continuing with its war crimes, the anti-Jewish Zionist entity dubbed Israel bombed a residential house in Damascus countryside late at night.

The video is also available on Rumble and BitChute.

Two barrages of missiles were fired by Israeli fighter jets from over the occupied Syrian Golan toward a house between the Qura Al Assad and Al Dimass towns in the Western Damascus countryside shortly after 1 am.

No casualties were reported by the Syrian authorities or by locals by the time of this report, the targeted house was destroyed, and shrapnel from a missile fell on a residential building in nearby Mashrou Dummar inflicting material damage to the building's roof.

The Israeli bombing came hours after the Syrian air defense shot down two Israeli drones approaching the Syrian capital from the south and 2 days after the massacre Israel committed bombing Al Hamra Street in Homs on the 7th of the month.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Western Countryside Destroying a House.

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