Jordan Bombs Syrian Villages Killing 10 Civilians in Support of Israel

in #news6 months ago

No proper explanation can be given to the cross-border repeated bombing of residential complexes in Syrian villages by NATO-friendly Jordan, especially at this time, except that the bombing is in support of Israel in its genocidal war on Gaza.

In the early hours of dawn yesterday, Jordanian fighter jets bombed residential buildings in two villages in the Syrian southern province of Sweida, 10 people were murdered including children under the age of 5 years, and sizeable material damage was inflicted.

Media sources close to Jordan claimed the bombing targeted drug traffickers in Syria responsible for moving illegal hallucinating substances into Jordan on their way to Saudi Arabia and other Gulfies, results on the ground do not support that narrative.

Why now, why in the south of Syria, why using fighter jets to target drug traffickers, and why engaging in clashes between brigades of the Jordanian with drug traffickers, clashes that last in some cases more than 10 hours is beyond usual?

The only narrative that neutral observers could come out with is that Jordan is bombing Palestinian groups smuggling food and weapons to the West Bank based on tips from Israel and the USA.

Jordan has also helped protect Israel from missiles coming from the Iraqi Resistance and from Yemen, Jordan is also restricting the quantities of food and supplies heading to the West Bank while allowing free passage for the same heading to Israel including weapons and munition as mentioned by several Jordanian MPs and political figures in the Jordanian opposition.

The incumbent Jordanian king is following the steps of his late father who was hired by the CIA and had a handler name: 'Mr. No Beef.'

More in this report: NATO Ally Jordan New War Crime against Syria: Ten Murdered.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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