in #news4 years ago

As always, Oath Keepers stands in defense of the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. What is now being installed is not a constitutional government. It's an illegitimate regime that has unjustly taken power through massive vote fraud, to install a ChiCom puppet who will do the bidding of a mortal enemy of this nation, as well as the bidding of international elites who are in allegiance and alliance with the CCP as they pursue a common goal of destroying our Republic and enslaving the American people.

Executive Summary:

Prepare for a comms down/blackout environment. Obtain CB and HAM radios, fuel, food, etc
Muster NOW in their county seat. Meet face to face and sort out grid down comms and who will be Home Guard and part of a "Family Safe" program to stay back and protect families, while also determining who can project out to protect and assist others. Do it now before comms go down.
Muster ASAP at state level, but NOT at state Capitol. The newly formed county units must Muster in a friendly red county to establish comms and leadership connections for future. Establish protocols in case of lights out/comms down.
Beware of false flags and traps that are now being set. Be careful who you listen to and what events you attend. Expect attempts to lure you onto enemy controlled ground where they have time to set up false flags.
Prepare to walk the same path as the Founding Fathers of condemnation of an illegitimate regime, nullification/mass non-compliance, defiance, mutual defense, and resistance. See Part II for more.

Patriots, keep your powder dry, your head on a swivel, and your gear ready to roll at moments notice.

BE PREPARED TO MOVE. TO ROLL. But, also keep your cool. It can be a tough balance, but you can do it. Get right with the Lord, get your mind right, stay cool, but be ready.

Realize that there is a swirling storm of intentional disinformation, rumor-mill crap, and cooked up false-flags running at this time. Be careful about who you trust for information, and remember, information is not the same thing as "intel." Even if someone is sincere and trustworthy (in the sense of not intending to mislead) they can still be passing on false info.

Also be careful about just jumping in on any advertised or organized "patriot" event - be it a protest or an armed march of any kind. Expect false-flags and enemy orchestrated pied piper events and traps. Do not rush head-long into such a "Buffalo Jump" as Navy SEAL veteran Matt Bracken calls them.

See below for my recommended course of action that is intended to make you stronger and better organized right now and for the future, without falling into false-flag traps that further the enemy's goals.


Within the short term, we face a very high possibility of an intentional "comms down" scenario where black hats take down/shut down all communications in the US - No cell service, no internet, no land lines. A comms blackout.

This could also include a take down of electrical power. An intentional power blackout. Worst case scenario would be an EMP strike. That is the Chicom/globalist final option to stop us. Be as prepared as you can be for it.

The purpose of such a comms down/blackout will be to minimize our ability to communicate and to pin people in their homes as the black hats and their terrorist allies conduct a night of the long knives decapitation strike to arrest or otherwise take out patriot leaders, potential leaders, and highly skilled personnel.

Alternatively, even if there is no overt comms-down or blackout event, there can still be simultaneous raids across the country in the middle of the night to take out leadership and hardcore patriots before they can warn each other. Expect it.

Whether a comms/power blackout happens as the result of actions taken by white hats or black hats - whether the black hats react to something President Trump or his supporters have done, or if it is done after more false flag events, to shut us down to prevent us from taking action, you need to do the following:


  1. Leadership needs to get off the X NOW. Do NOT be home. Be somewhere else. If you ignore this warning and stay home, at the very least, when the lights go out, get out. Be ready to leave your home on a moment's notice at the first sign of any raids.

All patriots need to have a Plan B, Plan C, Plan D for you and your loved ones. A place for them to go that is NOT tied directly to you and several places for you to go that are not tied to you via digital footprint or records.

Be prepared to go "comms dark" by choice. Low tech or no-tech beats high tech. Grab a couple of burner phones. But also be ready to go completely radio/phone silent.

  1. Grab all the CB and HAM radios you can NOW. You can find CB radios at truck stops. FRS radios from sporting good stores or Wallmart are also useful for close range (inside Neighborhood) comms. HAM radios will likely have to be ordered over the internet, so order them now!

Get a shortwave radio so you can monitor for news and info.

Even if you don't know how to run a HAM or CB radio, buy it. Someone else will know how.

Buy extras for friends, family, neighbors. You WILL need those radios to communicate when the domestic enemies shut down comms (which they will at some point). Sort out your comms now. Don't wait.

  1. Get all the fuel you can - gas, diesel, NOW. Get the fuel out of the underground storage tanks and into portable containers. Get all you can. You will need it. Borrow money or charge it if you have to. You can't roll out to help save your country or even to protect your county unless you have fuel. When you think you have enough, double it. Then double it again. Do NOT presume you will be able to buy fuel during an emergency. A power blackout alone will make it hard to get the fuel out of underground storage tanks, let alone suffering a run on gas stations as everyone scrambles to get it.

  2. Buy as much food as you can NOW. Double and triple whatever you have. Buy more for friends, family, neighbors. Borrow money if you have to, or charge it. Take out savings. Buy bulk non-perishables that can be cooked with just hot water (rice, beans, oatmeal. etc.), or canned goods. If you can afford it, buy freeze-dried "Mountainhouse" type camping foods (just add hot water). They can still be found in camping supply sections of big box stores. Get food, medicines, vitamins and minerals, and personal hygiene items (baby wipes, for example). Follow the Mormon advice of a three months supply of what you normally eat/use anyway, and then a year's worth of bulk long term storage foods.


  1. Muster NOW in your County seat. Call together all Trump supporters, all patriots, all constitutionalists, all libertarians, etc. - all committed to liberty and limited constitutional government. Invite your constitutionalist LEOs and other current serving first responders. Call all patriots together in physical space, in a public muster. Come together and look each other in the eye and get to know each other and also begin the necessary process of vetting each other. You WILL get attempted infiltration by leftist moles, paid confidential informants, spies, etc. It's going to happen. Expect it. But you still must come together to become stronger, together, now.

You must sort out your grid-down emergency comms NOW. Sort out how you will communicate when there is no phone, no internet, no cell service. Use HAM radios, CBs, FRS, whatever you have, and whatever you can get. Again, CB radios can still be bought at truck stops. Do NOT wait till lights go out to sort out your comms. Get it done now.

At the muster, divide your man-power into two groups:

A. The Home Guard/Family Safe Unit. Those who are too old, injured, or otherwise unable to project out as first line defenders/responders. This Home Guard is CRITICAL. They will protect your homes and families, neighborhoods and towns, while the more physically capable project out. Even if you prefer to call these men militia (considering them part of the County militia), sort out how to differentiate the different purpose.

Within Oath Keepers we have a "Family Safe" program that is dedicated to watching over patriotic police, fire, EMS, and other first responder homes and families to keep them safe so the first responders can project out to do their jobs, even in the middle of an emergency. Feel free to use that term and form such a program in your neighborhood and town, with the Home Guard taking primary responsibility for your "Family Safe" program.

We have already seen Antifa and BLM targeting police and military homes, doxing them, and preparing to attack them. A Biden/Harris White House will only embolden these domestic Marxist terrorists, so expect it, and prepare to defend against them.

B. The County Militia (or call it a "County Guard" or "County Watch" or "County Defense Unit" or whatever if you are still too squeamish to call it a militia). These are the more fit and mobile who can serve as a QRF to respond to emergencies anywhere in the county. They will also be those who can project out to assist patriots in nearby counties, or at the state level. Some of them may even be willing to travel outside your state if needed. Form special expeditionary teams/units for that. Sort that out now. Perhaps you will call them "Minutemen" as the Founders called their more high-speed units).

Who will stay home and guard your homes while you roll out? Who will roll out? Decide now. Then form them into teams and units.

To be clear: EVERYONE (when home) is in the armed neighborhood watch and the armed town watch. Everyone assists with the "Family Safe" program, watching over the homes and families of local LEOs, EMS, Fire, etc. to protect them from leftist terrorists. The more fit serve as the QRF at the neighborhood and town level. They run to the sound of the guns. But when the more fit project out beyond the town, or beyond the county, the Home Guard has to take up the slack and take responsibility for the home front. Once you determine who is fit enough to project out as the county militia (or county guard, county watch, Minutemen, etc), have the men elect their officers. Yes, this can get messy, with ego clashes and cliques, but it is necessary. The men of a county elect the officers who will command that county militia. Period.

Sort out a standing order that if lights go out, or comms go down, you will respond by doing a stand-to at the neighborhood, town, and county level, with the Home Guard watching over the neighborhoods and towns while the "project out" militia or minute-men roll out, ready to go anywhere needed. If you STILL have not worked out emergency comms, one option is a default muster at the county seat if lights go out. But it's better to have emergency comms worked out so you don't have to be at a predictable known location just to link up.

  1. Immediately Muster at the state level. Once you have formed your county units (or begun that process), call a muster at a central location within your state that you determine is the best place for all county militia to come to for a state muster.

No offense to currently existing militia groups, but I am talking about true COUNTY units made up of all the willing patriots in a county, who are from that county, under leadership who are also from that county, elected by the men of that county. Other existing groups? Your responsibility is to help make this happen. It's not about our groups, whether we are Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, or self-organized local or state level militia groups. It's about our communities. Form your community up and let the men elect their officers.

I recommend that this muster be near your state capitol but NOT in your state capitol. The domestic enemies of the Constitution are doing all they can to set up false flag events right now, across the nation. They WANT you to come armed to the state capitol where their paid provocateurs can rope innocent patriots into a staged false flag event. Don't give them what they want.

DO come together, but do it just outside the capitol in a friendly "red" county where you have a patriotic constitutional sheriff, county commissioners, county judge, etc. You know your own state. Sort out what makes sense based on your conditions, terrain, and culture.

In nearly every state, the state capitol is a "blue" zone, dominated by the left. With obvious false flag ops running right now, it's a bad idea to put yourself at the mercy of a leftist county attorney and mayor, or a hostile police chief, on ground they control in advance of your arrival, where black hats have plenty of time to set up their false flag traps. Yes, you have a right to free speech and assembly, and I myself have taken part in many armed marches and rallies by patriots in leftist dominated state capitols (we peaceably assembled, but we were also very well armed while doing so). There is a time and a place for that. But at this moment, I think it ill-advised because it's exactly what they want you to do. Take action based on what you want to accomplish, not what your enemy wants.

And remember, the goal of a state-wide muster is for all those newly formed county militia and Home Guard to come together, as units, under their own chosen leadership, so they all get to know each other, and so the leadership in particular gets to know each other, and so they can work up their methods for emergency comms and sort out what they will do in the event of a comms-down, lights out scenario. Will you have a default of coming together at a pre-designated rally point? The downside to that is obvious you will be in a known place at a known time or window of time. But you would at least be together, which is better than being alone, isolated, and vulnerable to a raid or attack by bad guys.

Again, it is far better for you to work out legit, functional grid down comms (HAM, CB, runners, relays, scouts, etc) now so you DON'T have to muster in a predetermined, known rally point just to link up. But if you are still not squared away on comms when lights go out, you may have no choice (you can send scouts/representatives to make contact instead of sending entire units).

Regardless of where you do it, when you go to a state muster as a unified county unit, you go there with men you know (or are getting to know) under established leadership (even if new). You go as a unit, and it cuts down on the ability of provocateurs and confidential informants to infiltrate and rope you into a false flag.

Main goals of these musters are to organize for the future, to sort out comms and begin to organize at the state level for your mutual defense, mutual aid, and to prepare to defend the Constitution and our natural rights from the pending assault by enemies foreign and domestic. Get organized into units now, and get it all sorted out BEFORE the balloon goes up. And then let THEM come to you, on ground of your choosing, where you are strong and they are weak, just like the Founding Fathers did (more to come on that).

As always, we are not calling for the initiation of violence. We focus on defense of life, liberty, and property. But, we are also committed to defending each other, our neighborhoods, towns, counties, states, and our nation, and above all, defending the Constitution as we swore to do, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and right now, that means against the communists and deep state traitors who have stolen the White House and stole a false majority in the US Senate, along with their street level terrorist allies, all of whom have already expressed their intent to trample on our rights (more to come on that in the next installment).

Now that it is regretfully becoming clear that President Trump will not be taking the decisive action we urged him to take, using the Insurrection Act and a declass/data dump, let's follow the Founder's game plan, using their strategies and methods, which focused first on declarations of illegitimacy, nullification (declaring unconstitutional acts to be null and void from inception, and refusing to obey them), unified mass non-compliance with unconstitutional and oppressive actions and then on self defense, mutual defense, and resistance when the domestic enemies of the Constitution come for us. That's how the Founders did it, and it worked. There is nothing new under the sun. Let us adapt their game plan to our current situation.

See Part II for more on that.

For the Republic,

Stewart Rhodes



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