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RE: Coronavirus: The Lie Is Beginning To Unravel

in #news4 years ago

Lockdowns are about stopping the chain of transmission and essentially giving the virus no where to go and so it will die off. We know that each person who gets the virus is infecting 2 - 3 people (on average). Thus if we quaratine then the idea is that the virus can spread exponetially like it has been.


The lockdown is intended to give the health system more time to prepare for the actual pandemic, which has not yet reached its peak. After the lockdown the infection rate will rise again. Anyone who believes that everything will be fine after that can only be naive.

The goal is to achieve herd immunity. To achieve this, about 70% of the population must be immunized, either naturally, i.e. through infection, or through vaccines, which of course serves the investments of Gates and co.