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RE: Who is 'Q'? : Questions from 'Q'

in #news7 years ago

Go Q!

I immediately thought of Q from James Bond, as the Quartermaster, the head of research and development in British Intelligence, recently back in play in the last two Bond films:


Q is a fictional character in the James Bond films and film novelisations. Q (standing for Quartermaster as well as a reference to the deceptive Q-ships) is a job title, unlike M, which is a cypher for the character's name. He is the head of Q Branch (or later Q Division), the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service.

Q has appeared in 21 of the 24 Eon Productions James Bond films, the exceptions being Live and Let Die, the 2006 Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. The character was also featured in both non-Eon Bond films, the 1967 Casino Royale and Never Say Never Again.

THANKS for the post! following. @dakini5d


I only thought of Q as "the question guy", now I feel lame, haha.

That's funny. I thought of "Q" from Star Trek, the E.T. from another dimension that trolls everyone.