California Legislature Votes to Strike ‘the State Shall Not Discriminate’ from Constitution, Opening the Door to Legalized Discrimination

in #news4 years ago

On Thursday, the California legislature voted to strike these words from its Constitution:“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group, on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”To abandon the principle of equality before the law is to abandon a cornerstone of the Enlightenment and classical liberalism, one of the greatest individual rights that has protected individuals from arbitrary rule and government abuse for centuries.

Source: California Legislature Votes to Strike ‘the State Shall Not Discriminate’ from Constitution, Opening the Door to Legalized Discrimination - Foundation for Economic Education

So apparently the government of California now wishes to be able to legally discriminate based on the color of your skin among other things. While it is difficult to imagine what exactly their motivation might be here, I can only guess that they wish to be able to discriminate in order to give preferential treatment to minorities. I'm pretty sure this would still fit the category of least until dictionaries start changing the definition which I see has already started. Is this the sort of thing Martin Luther King was fighting for? That was not my impression but maybe I was just a victim of fake news.