The Ignorant Mob Assault on Rand Paul Shows How Political Tribalism Undermines Progress

in #news4 years ago

Maybe you like Rand Paul and maybe you don't. Personally, I don't think he's perfect but compared to almost all of the other senators he's George Washington. But whatever you think of him, to attempt to assault him for supporting the same thing you are bitching about is the pinnacle of stupidity. How can these "protesters" expect anyone to take anything they say seriously? If you are going to bother to protest, at least become educated on the issues and people involved. Otherwise you're just a mob out to set the world on fire.

The assailants screeched things like “Say her name!” and “Breonna Taylor! Breonna Taylor!” Yet they were harassing the very senator who met with Taylor’s family and worked with them to craft legislation banning the “no-knock” police search warrants that led to her tragic death.That’s right: Rand Paul literally introduced the “Justice for Breonna Taylor Act.”

Source: The Ignorant Mob Assault on Rand Paul Shows How Political Tribalism Undermines Progress - Foundation for Economic Education