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RE: Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS! (Part 1)

in #news4 years ago

First of all I would like to say thank you so much for taking the time out and doing the research of writing these vlogs. And I have shown several of my friends your blog post already. Very soon I will be showing TOR these posts as well, especially if he continues this nonsense. You gave a lot of great examples of the Puerto Rico culture and why people confuses the definition of Pedophilia. People are quick to call you a pedo for simply TALKING to a teenage girl... And they do not understand the definition under the DSM-5... It's nuts how even till this day, when I did a livestream last night, TOR made more accounts saying "Denox is Bald" and "Hector Vera loves kids" and he spams the live chats with nonsense. Thankfully I have plenty of mods that are quick to take action and ban those accounts from commenting. So yeah, I was wondering if TOR will even bother reading all your articles. I will continue to do what I can to try to deplatform this guy. Many ppl at this point are against him :3


Hector? I find myself wondering what kind of background TOR has. I would not doubt that he has a whole myriad of skeletons in his closet, because his behavior is indicative that he is someone who makes up his own rules as he goes along; and those are usually the most reckless and destructive kind of people. If he does decide to read my article, then he will likely bring his herd of sheep along with him to hate on me. Then again, none of them probably even have accounts here on the Hive blockchain or over on the Steemit blockchain. Therefore, I think that TOR will likely do a derogatory video about me on his YouTube channel afterwards; and if he decides to do so, he'll probably read each and every article I have ever published on both the Hive blockchain and the Steemit blockchain over the course of the past 3 years and he'll do so in search of anything that he believes that he can use against me. If he does so, then he is in for a long ride inasmuch as I have a lot of articles posted on both blockchains. LOL! By the time he finishes doing so, Google will probably have deleted his YouTube channel and have suspended him permanently from every Google platform by then. It's called poetic justice, and he would deserve it.