How To Spot A Men-Hating Pseudo-Feminist Disguised As A Self-Righteous Teenage Girl

in #news8 months ago (edited)

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1.   Introduction

Okay. I realize that the title of my article here is longer than it conventionally would be in most articles. However, I felt that I needed a title for my article that would shout out the contents of it loud and clear, and the lengthy title of my article was it.

The Quora platform seems to be a favorite hang-out for men-hating pseudo-feminists looking to wage war against men in whatever way they can. What is really outrageous about it is that whenever the topic of the American statutory-age-of-consent laws and the likes comes up, somehow these same witches know how to disguise themselves as self-righteous teenage girls.

I came across a Quora forum the other day that presented the question, "I caught my twelve-year-old daughter taking inappropriate pictures of herself on her phone. What should I do?" Lo and behold, there was this one female who responded anonymously. She turned her response into an entire propagandistic campaign to blame all of adolescent girls' problems on older men. For the purpose of this article here of mine, I'm going to refer to her as Kelly.

After I read Kelly's reply in that Quora forum, I noticed that something was off about her linguistic style that indicated that she wasn't really a teenage girl, even though she continued to insist that she was throughout her reply. Her words struck me as more of those of a middle-aged men-hating pseudo-feminist looking to fool her readers, especially her adolescent females one, into believing that everything she stated was true when, in reality, the contents of her reply were mostly knee-jerk reactions meant to misguide others.

Like most men-hating pseudo-feminists, Kelly took the predilection of throwing the clinical terms "pedophile" and "pedophilia" into her narrative as misnomers. She crossed me as someone who insists that the Puritanical Establishment can never be wrong about juvenile-justice-related matters or anything for that matter. She gave me an overall feeling of disgust, and she presented herself as someone who was intellectually bankrupt.

Therein Kelly stated:

There is a high chance she is being groomed by predators who pressured her to send those pictures and that she is in eminent danger. There is also a chance she did not want to send it to anyone and simply took them for herself. One is completely harmless and the other means that she has been exploited and possibly abused by pedophiles.

Kelly? Do you even known what a pedophile is? Now, I completely get it. A 12-year-old girl falls within sort of an overlap region between childhood and adolescence. However, I honestly don't believe that Kelly cares one way or another if this 12-year-old girl is in Tanner Stage 1 or Tanner Stage 2. In most cases, she would be in Tanner 2, and, therefore, pedophilia would have nothing to do with her situation.

2.   Comparing Now With Then

I'm not mindless of what happened to Amanda Todd so many years ago. However, let's not forget that it wasn't only an older man who was involved in this same 15-year-old girl's victimization. There were minors involved in sextorting and overpowering this young girl as well. Older men are not the cause of all adolescent girls' problems. However, Kelly seems to believe so, which is why we all must learn to spot men-hating pseudo-feminists like her hiding behind an adolescent girl's bogus face and call them out on all their nonsensical rhetoric.

Therein Kelly stated:

However, if that is not the case of why she was taking those photos, that’s where the real danger comes in. And that’s why situations like these have to be handled so carefully, because if your daughter does have some secret 40 year old boyfriend who was grooming her and asking her to take those photos, you can bet your ass she will lie to you about it if she thinks you’ll get mad at her. And you can sure as hell bet that just grounding her for a few weeks or taking away her phone will NOT do her any good in the long run, because she still would not understand why sending those pictures is really dangerous and might just end up doing it again.

A 40-year-old boyfriend? Wow, Kelly. You sure like to flirt with taboos as much as you can in making your so-called point. Okay. Let's just say that this 12-year-old girl does have a secret 40-year-old boyfriend. I don't know what the concerned parent in the Quora forums means by "inappropriate pictures" in referring to his or her 12-year-old daughter, but let's assume that these pictures are nude photographs of the young girl. This this same scenario could be easily comparable with that of King Louis XV of France first setting eyes on Marie-Louis O'Murphy back in the 1750s.

After a French artist painted Marie-Louise O'Murphy in the portrait named The Blonde Odalisque, years later historians debated over whether she was 13 years old or 14 years old at the time that she posed nude for the portrait; and they do so to this very day. In either event, anyone today can see that she was significantly younger than King Louis XV, who was comfortably in his forties by the time he signed her on as his mistress. You can get the entire story about the controversial romance in an article titled "Wild Irish Women: Marie-Louise O’Murphy" by Rosemary Rogers.

When King Louis XV first fell in love with Marie-Louise O'Murphy, she was one or two years older than the 12-year-old girl described in the Quora forum. King Louis XV first set eyes on Marie-Louise O'Murphy when he saw her naked in the above-described portrait and that was when he wanted to meet her in person. It almost sounds like something that Chris Hansen would have been interested in if he had the ability to travel through time.

The major difference here was that instead of there being an Internet, there was this one French artist named Franҫois Boucher whose paintbrush captured every detail of Miss O'Murphy's naked body on canvas while she was barely beyond the crayons-and-playground phase of her life. Did they have playgrounds back in the eighteenth century? Oh, well, I'm sure you get my drift.

Now, what is so interesting is that no historian or art critic that I know of has ever brought up the question of whether King Louis XV "groomed" Marie-Louise O'Murphy. Then again, different standards seem to apply to controversial scenarios that would be sniped at from every direction if they were to occur today. What these points bring to mind is a video that Eivind Berge did on this same topic. Watch his video below.

Eivind Berge Questions The Grooming Agenda

Now, when we're talking about pre-pubescent children in the crayons-and-playground phase of their life, it is very clear what is going on whenever a child molester grooms one of them. That is, the child molester will gradually bring down a little child's natural guards as he takes one more inch in ultimately seducing that child into doing something that will cause him or her a lifetime of psychological damage.

On the other hand, whenever an adolescent between 12 and 17 years old decides to stray outside his or her peer circles in search of romance and even sexual intimacy, there is simply no one-size-fits-all way to evaluate a scenario in terms of whether or not anyone has been victimized in any manner. It's like the situation from the 1990s in which a 13-year-old Maryland girl willingly had sexual intercourse with a 20-something-year-old man with Down Syndrome. There wasn't really any power imbalance in that regard that would have placed the 20-something-year-old man at any kind of advantage over the young girl.

Pedophilia has nothing to do with teenage sex or adolescents acting on their sexual passions. However, try telling someone like Kelly that. The frustration involved in enlightening someone like her in a topic of this nature makes me just want to jump into a time machine, travel back to 1885, and put a bullet right between the eyes of Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, who is the psychiatrist that conceptualized pedophilia. Then again, I'm beginning to believe that most psychiatrists are scumbags.

You figure that if Dr. von Krafft-Ebing were to have been transported from 1886 Austria-Hungary back to the France of the mid-1700s while King Louis XV was intimately involved with Mary-Louise O'Murphy, King Louis XV would likely have had Dr. von Krafft-Ebing guillotined after hearing his rhetoric for so long. European monarchs would not have put up with his nonsense back then. How Dr. von Krafft-Ebing encountered no problems with the rulers of his native Germany and Austria-Hungary is beyond my comprehension.

In Kelly's response to the concerned parent, she makes it no secret that she simply loves seeing men go to prison and for their lives to be ruined. These men-hating pseudo-feminists absolutely love statutory-age-of-consent laws and any other sex laws of the likes, because they know that they themselves will never see the inside of a men's correctional facility. These same types of women also seem to have a bizarre fascination with man-on-man prison rape.

When you try to explain to men-hating pseudo-feminists like Kelly why American statutory-age-of-consent laws can be unfair and oppressive, they will turn around and respond that you are only saying so because "you only want to bang kids." These witches will fight tooth and nail to get tougher statutes on the books pertaining to these laws.

On the other hand, whenever one of these men-hating pseudo-feminists fall victim to a brutal rape at the hands of young boys below the statutory age of consent and they are wrongfully charged with a sex crime afterwards despite that they are the victims, these witches find themselves eating their own bitter words. The truth always hurts in that event, but facts are facts.

These kinds of incidents are happening all over the world. The United States of America is no exception to the rule.

As a matter of fact, a woman in her thirties in Louisiana who was walking home drunk allowed a 16-year-old boy to walk her home. She blacked out before she reached her house, and a couple of days later police officers knocked on her front door with an arrest warrant for statutory rape. It turned out that the 16-year-old boy had raped her, but he turned around and told the police that she was the one who had victimized him.

3.   The Harmful Cloak Of Same-Age Perfection

Further on in her reply, Kelly stated therein:

Someone in the comments also brought up another point I hadn’t thought of, there’s a chance the person she’s sending those photos to isn’t even a pedophile. It could be a boy/boyfriend that’s the same age as her pressuring her to send those photos. While this is also bad, it is at least a bit better than the other possibility because in this situation it would just be a classic of two teenagers being equally stupid. If this is the case, then once again educate her that sending these things can still be dangerous because according to law, this is still child pornography. Not to mention, the other person might possibly have these explicit photos of her forever and unfortunately might share them publicly. Teaching how to use the Internet safely is the key here. After what my parents taught me and everything that they told me could happen if I ever sent photos like that, I sure as hell am never doing that type of stuff since I know that it could stay out there online forever. You want to make sure your daughter feels the same.

If this narrative from Kelly was merely about Internet safety, I wouldn't have a problem with it. However, she takes her lecture one step further and offers toxic advice that same-age boys are so much safer for an adolescent girl to interact with online than older men.

Kelly cannot be any more wrong than she is, and her "advice" would have done nothing to keep Kathy Shelton from being raped back in 1975. A 41-year-old man named Thomas Alfred Taylor and a 15-year-old boy named Michael Elzey were her assailants. Mr. Taylor received nothing more than a slap on the wrist at sentencing, but what is even more so outrageous is that Mr. Elzey didn't even get prosecuted for the rape.

Why didn't Mr. Elzey get prosecuted for the rape? He didn't do so, because he was 15 years old, an adolescent, and also under the legal age of majority like Kathy Shelton. Back then somehow society didn't think that any boy who fitted that description could harm a girl the same age as him or close to him in age, because, after all, boys will be boys. Oh, brother.

What angered me is when I first saw a picture of Mr. Elzey on a social-media account on the Internet back in 2016, he looked younger than Ms. Shelton despite that he was 3 years older than her. In other words, the torture that he put her through on that horrendous day in 1975 caused her to age more quickly than him, even though she was younger than him.

The problem remains that we have not come a long way since then. Men-hating pseudo-feminists like Kelly are to blame for it, and their narratives are toxic to the same society that endorses them.

Nowadays teenage boys who are as young as middle-school age are crawling through windows to rape defenseless old ladies. Kelly is way out of line to say that the situation with the 12-year-old girl cited in the Quora forum is necessarily nothing but too equally stupid teenagers.

4.   Final Thoughts

Now, I completely get it. Pornographic material involving anyone under 18 years of age is a form of criminal contraband. The production and distribution of these materials can lead to bad things, although I sometimes have to wonder if the way society molds us Americans could have much to do with how we all respond to situations involving it.

Eivind Berge appears to believe that Americans can combat the problems that such contraband causes by changing our way of thinking instead of relying on the criminal justice system. Below is a video of his in which he talks about it.

Eivind Berge Discusses A Different Way A 17-Year-Old Sextortion Victim Could Have Been Saved

I feel that the obscenity laws in our nation, including ones pertaining to pornography, have gone way overboard. Read the article titled "Have American Obscenity Laws Gone Too Far?" by Jason B Truth, and you will see what I mean.

I have to question where all of this legislative madness will end. Are our elected officials going to pass child-pornography laws that cause valuable paintings like The Blonde Odalisque to be pulled out of art museums all over the United States? It is though we are all regressing back to seventeenth-century New England.

Nevertheless, men-hating pseudo-feminists still don't have the right to be riling people up over this topic to wage war against men in general. Moreover, they don't need to be blaming older men for all of teenage girls' problems. Adolescent girls experience plenty of problems from boys their own age.

Whenever you read a Quora forum or the like in which a female claims that she is a teenage girl in high school who knows it all and knows everything about teenagers' relationships with their parents as well as juvenile-justice-related issues, read the linguistic style of her writing closely. You will likely find that she doesn't articulate her sentences in the manner that a 12-to-17-year-old girl normally does.

If she is using the terms "pedophile" and "pedophilia" as misnomers too frequently in her writing, something is off about her and she is not a teenage girl. Now, it is possible that a teenage girl can be brainwashed; but if the linguistic style is seemingly that of a middle-aged woman, then it is probably a men-hating pseudo-feminist who was behind the keyboard instead of teenage schoolgirl.

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