
Ladies and gentlemen? If you notice that the video from Sally Jessy Raphael is missing from the article above, please be aware that I have searched all over the Internet for a copy of it. Unfortunately, no copy of it is to be found. If I am able to find another copy of that same video, I will use it in my above article to replace the one that has been removed from YouTube.

Ladies and gentlemen? It looks as though YouTuber Cartier Tea's video about Ariadna Juarez's romance with Damian Gurrusquieta has been deleted from YouTube as you likely already have noticed that it is missing from my article above. Unfortunately, after searching all over the Internet, I am unable to find another copy of that same video to replace it herein. I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion that this may have caused. Meanwhile, if I am able to find another copy of that same video, I will use it in my article above to replace the one that has been removed from YouTube.