The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-06-10

in #news4 years ago

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 8, articles about Anglo-5, Crime, Headline-News, United-Kingdom, United-States, Democracy, Finance, Politics, Afghanistan, Eurasia, Argentina, Cuba, Latin-America, Opinions, Mena, Russia, Syria, Eu, Greece-Eurasia, Libya, Turkey, Australia, Canada, China, Hong-Kong, New-Zealand.

Tags in this brief: Epstein, Pedophilia, Politics, Prince Andrew, Sex Slavery, UK, USA, Black America, Economy, Social Justice, Trump, Wwg1wgaworldwide, Coronavirus Fraud, NHS, Afghanistan, Geopolitics, Taliban, War, Che Guevara, Justice, Revolution, Thomas Paine, Idlib, Resistance, Russia, Syria, Syrian Army, Terrorism, Military, NATO, Neo-Ottomanism, Turkey, Anglo 5, China, Hong Kong.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

MAJOR: US Demands UK Hand Over Prince Andrew for Questioning Over Epstein Links

Published 2020-06-10 23:49:03 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Crime, Headline-News, United-Kingdom, United-States

WASHINGTON, D.C./LONDON - Britain’s Prince Andrew has reportedly been summoned by the US Justice Department to answer questions about his relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, as the pair were friends for over a decade. The Southern District Court of New York has asked Prince Andrew to testify in the ongoing criminal investigation into Epstein’s alleged accomplices via a Mutual Legal Assistance request filed with the UK Home Office, ABC News reported on Sunday. According to The Sun, which first broke the story, the request was formally lodged last month. Prince Andrew could be forced to provide testimony under oath in... Continue ->

Tags: Epstein, Pedophilia, Politics, Prince Andrew, Sex Slavery, UK, USA

FLORES: Slavery Reparations - Is Now the Time for Trump to Consider Bob Johnson's Deal?

Published 2020-06-10 23:26:27 by Joaquin Flores in Anglo-5, Democracy, Finance, Headline-News, Politics, United-States

By Joaquin Flores - The founder of Black Entertainment Television Robert Johnson has an interesting proposal that would serve both as a massive economic stimulus and the final closure to several chapters of American history with the legacy of slavery. It is the 14 trillion-dollar package with a roughly $350,000 to each eligible African American. Previously Trump expressed skepticism that reparations would be on his agenda and likewise they had never before appeared on the Democrat Party agenda but did appear for the first time during the primary debates for the Democratic nomination. But two factors have come together in... Continue ->

Tags: Black America, Economy, Social Justice, Trump, USA, Wwg1wgaworldwide

REVEALED: Report Shows TWO-THIRDS of Britons With Life-Threatening Health Conditions Were Denied Care During COVID-19 Crisis

Published 2020-06-10 23:03:31 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Headline-News, United-Kingdom

LONDON - The suspension of hospital services during the COVID-19 lockdown has had damaging effects on the healthcare of the citizens of the United Kingdom as almost two-thirds of people with life-threatening conditions were denied care, according to a new analysis. In what is said to be the biggest study into the impact of suspending National Health Service (NHS) care during the pandemic, academics at Essex University found that huge numbers of people with health issues could not undergo surgery, diagnostic tests or outpatient appointments, The Guardian reports. Analysis by Professor Michaela Benzeval’s team shows a staggering 53 percent of... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus Fraud, NHS, UK

MAJOR: Afghanistan Releases 60% of Taliban Prisoners Amid Peace Talks

Published 2020-06-10 18:53:49 by Drago Bosnic in Afghanistan, Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, United-States

KABUL - The Afghan government has released around 60% of Taliban prisoners that were part of a deal between the United States and the militants to pave the way for intra-Afghan peace talks, the National Security Council said Tuesday. Some 3,000 Taliban inmates have been released, and the prisoner release will continue as a confidence-building measure for reaching a lasting peace, the council said, DPA reported. The High Council for Reconciliation led by Abdullah Abdullah has also started its work. The government negotiating team is ready for talks with representatives of the Taliban. The release of up to 5,000 Taliban... Continue ->

Tags: Afghanistan, Geopolitics, Taliban, USA, War


Published 2020-06-10 03:01:28 by Russell Bentley in Anglo-5, Argentina, Cuba, Headline-News, Latin-America, Opinions, United-States

On June 8th, 1809, Thomas Paine (born Thomas Pain in 1737 in Thetford, England) died at the age of 72 in Greenwich Village in New York City. One of the greatest revolutionaries and writers in human history, one of the most integral and important personalities of the American Revolution, Tom Paine died poor and alone. Refused a burial plot in a cemetery because of his questioning of Christian dogma, he was buried beneath a walnut tree on his farm in New Rochelle, NY. Only five mourners attended his funeral. As Robert G. Ingersoll wrote, many years later, "Thomas Paine had... Continue ->

Tags: Che Guevara, Justice, Revolution, Thomas Paine, USA

MAJOR: Syrian Army Repels Terrorist Attack in Idlib, 30 Terrorists Killed, Wounded

Published 2020-06-10 02:43:07 by Drago Bosnic in Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Russia, Syria

Idlib, Syria - The Syrian Arab Army thwarted an attempt by terrorists to capture Tanjara in southern Idlib, the Russian Defence Ministry's Center for Syrian Reconciliation said on Monday, adding that at least 30 terrorists were killed and wounded in the process. "On June 8, militants from the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group attempted to seize the settlement of Tanjara in the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone," Rear Adm. Alexander Shcherbitskiy, the head of the Center for Syrian Reconciliation said, Sputnik reported. The terrorists broke through the defenses and wedged into the battle formations of the Syrian Arab Army... Continue ->

Tags: Idlib, Resistance, Russia, Syria, Syrian Army, Terrorism

OFFICIAL: Russia, Turkey Reach Agreement Over Another S-400 Batch

Published 2020-06-10 02:15:02 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Eu, Eurasia, Greece-Eurasia, Headline-News, Libya, Mena, Russia, Syria, Turkey, United-States

MOSCOW/ANKARA - Turkey and Russia have agreed on the delivery of new batteries of the advanced Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems, the head of Turkey’s Defense Industry said. “The parties have concluded an agreement in principle on the supply of the second batch. The roadmap of the deal includes the transfer of [relevant] technologies and joint production [of the system],” Ismail Demir said in an exclusive interview with the Turkish-language NTV television news network on Monday. He added that Turkey and Russia are continuing negotiations on further implementation of the contract on the delivery of S-400 air defense systems. “As we... Continue ->

Tags: Geopolitics, Military, NATO, Neo-Ottomanism, Russia, Terrorism, Turkey, USA

MAJOR: Japan Quietly Sides With China on Hong Kong Issue

Published 2020-06-10 01:48:06 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Australia, Canada, China, Eurasia, Headline-News, Hong-Kong, New-Zealand, Politics, United-Kingdom, United-States

BEIJING/TOKYO - Japan reportedly decided not to join the United States, the United Kingdom and some other countries in “condemning” China over a recently-passed law to safeguard national security in Hong Kong, the semi-autonomous Chinese territory. According to a report by Japan’s Kyodo news agency on Sunday, Tokyo refused to be in line with the US, Britain and some other states in scolding Beijing for the new security legislation, apparently to avoid generating friction with China, the world’s second-largest economy in nominal GDP. The report, citing unnamed officials from countries involved as saying a day earlier, added that a further... Continue ->

Tags: Anglo 5, China, Geopolitics, Hong Kong

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