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RE: News - New large, salt nuclear-powered container ship

in #news6 months ago

I worked in the nuclear industry for a long time. The things that stand out to me are:

  • "Development Stage: MSRs are still largely experimental and not widely implemented."

  • "Technical Challenges: The technology requires advanced materials to withstand the harsh conditions inside the reactor."

  • "Waste Management: Although MSRs produce less waste, the waste they do produce can be more challenging to handle and store."

The first two mean that this technology is not even close to maturity - a new reactor type is not something you want to rush out into industry. The requirement for advanced materials means the need for significant testing, mostly likely within a reactor environment - that element alone is huge and will costs crazy money. Rushing this and not getting it right could have significant consequences. Its just alarm bells over to me.

The third item is also significant. Yes I can see the reduced carbon side of things, but the handling of the waste is an environmental problem all in itself. The wastes from reactors can be hazardous for 10s of thousands of years (and more). Waste management would need to be fully designed and considered, with the costs for the handling after use figured into the profitability of the ship. Are shipping companies really going to honor that management for years and years after the ship is no longer in the use ? I doubt it, and where will the burden end up - bottom of the sea maybe, that would be an even bigger environmental problem.

Investing in advanced sail technology along with solar powered propulsion systems is a much better option. Just my opinion !



Wow - this is why I love hive. Somewhere the someone who knows the topic.

Thanks for the quick and qualified feedback.

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