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RE: UK Downgrades nCoV-19, the Solutions are 5G & the "Digital Dollar", and Much More

in #news4 years ago

I had thought that myself - and I sure hope it's one more bait and switch routine so that we have time to get our shit together. But not sure - people are so compliant this time that they may just take it a lot further... did you read the post about france? - of course I have to always keep in mind anything I see on the internet or tv could be fakery just whipping us up into a state of fear. I am trying to go within and just take steps slowly and thoughtfully.


Half joking, but France has been a push-over since WW2 :-P

I think it's also important to remember that the US (the people) has more guns than any other "citizenry," and while so many of the Trumpers/Qanon/right-wing folk are pretty off in some ways, they certainly do act as a good deterrent from hard-core government crackdowns

Some of the folks whose research & opinions I trust most are still seeing this as something like 70% economic, 30% incremental power grab, which has been my intuition on it as well.

Obviously, none of us know, event the folks at the top probably have different plans & intentions (certainly many governments have specific agendas this can help them with [like France shutting down the Yellow Vests finally], so I'm just relaxing, spreading calm awareness, and seeing what happens :-)

Thanks for that reminder - and my hope is that the citizenry of the US would actually use our weapons instead of just "having" them and hoping that somehow that is going to protect us from tyranny... but like you, I am - business as usual - and exempt from this bullshit.