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RE: 7.1 Earthquake hits Mexico, again

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I'm just watching the news about it, seems like there were different degrees of damage all over Mexico City and some buildings collapsed. So far not many seriously injured victims or deaths have been reported, fortunately.

In an eerie coincidence, today, September 19th was the very same date when the big earthquake that flattened Mexico City in 1985 happened. Today is the 32 anniversary and just this morning the evacuation drills took place as they do every year in remembrance of that day. A few hours later, the real earthquake ensued! What's going on...


Yeah, crazy times. Crazy things happening all over the world. I feel like this is just the beginning with all the craziness with protests, riots, elections, attacks/bombings, and now hurricanes and earthquakes. My girlfriend is from Taiwan and in the last 3 years they've experienced more earthquakes than she has in the past 20.

I'm a firm believer in yin and yang/balance (what goes around comes around). I feel like the majority of the world has experienced an over extended era of relative peace in the last 50-70 years. Population growth has ballooned and this is just mother earth balancing things out.