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RE: Current Events: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.

in #news4 years ago

I saw LEO rocket congratulations on a great achievement. I read that no other 2nd layer token has surpassed it's parent before, so if that's true that's some history being made right there.

I've been looking into LEO and the leo miner, just curious, is that what gives LEO its value compared to hive?

Cheers !tip congrats again, also the msm will never admit they were wrong, even if it means their own demise


Pretty much all the HiveEngine tokens have miners (at least an option for them). "Virtual Mining" is essentially the same thing as self-upvoting. It's just inflation that gets returned directly to the investor. Like any other market, the only thing that gives LEO value is a combination of supply and demand. There's a lot of speculation going on because so much development is being done.

Hey Johney,

While I've taken a bit of forward looking license around possible future subscription services coming to LeoFinance, check out the why the LEO token has value section of this post.

Hopefully we'll see you around the community with a stake in the platform soon :)

Posted Using LeoFinance