BANNED By Facebook, YouTube & GoFundMe! - World Alternative Media UNDER ATTACK!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report on BitChute here:

banned by facebook youtube and gofundme thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the bans put in place against World Alternative Media by Facebook, YouTube and GoFundMe, all of which gave no reason or recourse.

As censorship is throttled upwards, millions are moving to the alternative platforms like Flote, BitChute and LBRY/Odysee. This is not a revolution, it's an evolution, but as always, not without mass suppression and nefarious attacks by big tech.

Will free information survive the infowar? Or will big tech win with the support of the tyrant apologists? It seems as though decentralization always wins, eventually. There is no reason to be mad, there is only reason to take proactive measures and move to the alternative platforms. Not tomorrow. TODAY.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover these issues closely!


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