CHAOS IN BRITAIN As 10,000+ Are STRANDED At Border! - CLASHES With Police Ensue!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report on BitChute here:

chaos in britain as 10000 thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the clashes at the Port Of Dover crossing in England as truckers are forced into encampments and restricted from traveling to France to see their families or deliver their goods.

As many truckers broke through the encampments and clashed with police, the government is claiming they will take days, possibly longer to get everyone a PCR test to then decide if they can leave the area. This is all over a so-called mutation of covid that has not yet been proven to exist.

As we've reported in recent days, the new mutation of covid that is leading to the UK shutting their borders and countless countries shutting Britons out has NOT actually been proven to exist. This mutation is said to be 70% more contagious. The issue is that most mutations of viruses are less dangerous than the original and in fact, there have been over ten thousand mutations of SARS-COV2 this year so far. On top of that, if it is 70% more contagious, it is likely an extremely weak virus. To add to the mix, the British government refuses to release their findings or studies regarding this mutation and as far as science goes so far, it is not known to actually exist.

As panic ensues, so does the control by the state while brainless zombies repeat whatever the television which gets 95% of their money from pharma companies tells them to believe.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this issue closely!


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Not that the original one exists either...

How long does it take to wake up a sheeple?


To long it seems.