EXCLUSIVE: MASSIVE Protests In Italy! - The REVOLUTION Begins NOW! - NO Vaccine Passports!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report HERE:

exclusive massive protest in italy thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the ground at the massive protests in Milan as around 50,000 people protest in the streets against the incredibly illegal and tyrannical vaccine mandates.
The Green Pass has been in place for over a month now and Italians are not having it.
We reported on the ground from the protests and marches kicked off around the famous Piazza Duomo in Milan.
While one protest was organized, another march was planned at the same time against the Green Pass. As the march passed by, we followed. What resulted was amazing. Thousands filled the streets for nearly a kilometer as square after square was occupied by the protesters demanding an end to the tyranny and technocracy.
In this video, we follow the protest, the confrontations with both police and political opponents including politicians and we talk to one of the main organizers, Danilo Amici, a composer who works in London, Hollywood and of course Italy who has had enough of the criminality he sees taking over Italy and selling it off to the highest globalist bidder.

Stay tuned for more videos from throughout Europe as the revolution begins!


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Are people just going to show up to work the next day without the special passport? I hope it's like that. It's great to see some good news finally.