EXCLUSIVE: Vaccine Passports ENFORCED In Italy! - This Is INSANE!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report on BitChute HERE:

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the ground in Rome, Italy on the enforcement of vaccine passports at many locations throughout the city as the Green Pass is now in effect.
No matter the law or mandate, it is only ink on paper until it is enforced. Today in Rome, enforcement is yet to be seen for the most part. However, the most obvious tourist sites sees long lines of cattle desperately conforming and complying.
The Green Pass was pushed forward against the will of most in Italy. Even the vaccinated. There have been absolutely massive protests taking place throughout Italy which we plan to report on. Despite the obvious uprising stemming from the tyranny we're seeing today, tourists continue to line up in droves to show their papers to a police officer standing outside of the ancient Colosseum, or to a tour guide in front of the Spanish Steps.
The restaurants, taxis and shops in Rome do NOT appear to be enforcing the new green pass for the most part. As we have tested, no one has yet told us to wear a mask, nevermind show a vaccine passport. Generally, the enforcement is relaxed. But don't let that fool you. This will only get worse before it gets better. It has to.
The government will always grow, but at the same time, for a real uprising to happen (considering the complacent masses), first we must see the government get even bigger until people have no choice but to resist and fight.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover issues throughout Italy as well as several other European countries as the global civil war begins.


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