North Korea TENSIONS GROW! - Further Talks With Trump CALLED OFF!

in #news4 years ago

In this video, I report on the recent news of North Korea rejecting talks with Trump going forward saying they are not interested in the continuation of dialogue.

This news comes as Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong makes international headlines.

Kim Yo Jong also noted that she vows peace with the United States as long as the U.S. leaves North Korea alone.

It is clear that the monetary system needs a war. Every time an economic crisis comes about, a war follows. It allows for vast printing, massive artificial propping up of markets and deficit spending. There are currently tensions with North Korea, Iran and many other countries in the world as the United States empire prepares for the next big conflict following lockdown.

However, one must understand that North Korea is a puppet state of China. China's power was handed to them by the United States over the decades, creating an artificial monopoly on trade and production.

This isn't about countries competing against each other for the world order. This is about a scripted playbook playing out.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this story closely!


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