There IS NO VARIANT! - The LATEST Scamdemic Is A FRAUD - NO Basis In Science

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report on Bitchute HERE:

there is no variant thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent fear mongering news of multiple so-called variants spreading worldwide which allegedly the jab has no effect on. As most of us know this is nonsense, it is important to point out the obvious facts that prove indeed that there is no evidence of any sort of variant and if there was, based on basic virology, it would be a weaker strain.
The variants are not documented anywhere. There is no evidence of them existing. Not one single isolate. The culturing in labs is based on similar looking illnesses which they then tried to recreate and then isolated said recreations from the culture. That is not the same thing as isolating. If they cannot isolate it from a human, it probably doesn't exist and also one certainly cannot diagnose it or create a vaccine around it. This is a complete fraud of the highest order and it is meant to keep people in a perpetual state of fear and slowly beat people to death with the giant control racket that has been created around them. This has nothing to do with conquest, it has everything to do with consent. That is how this war is fought.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this story closely!


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If only someone would try to isolate coronavirus from a human! Has anyone tried? The whole detection has been forensics of piecing together amplified proteins.