London train station reopened after evacuation

in #news7 years ago

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The Holborn underground station in London was reopened on Tuesday after briefly shutting down for fear of a fire inside it as its roof filled with smoke. "It is about the temperature of a piston in a train and not a fire," the London fire brigade said in a statement. A witness reported that the smoke filled one of the train cars at the station. The fire department said it had sent a team to the station and that it had handled the situation in less than 50 minutes.
Police earlier said they were investigating reports of smoke on a London-based Holborn subway station. "There was a fire warning on a train on a central line going west," said a spokesman for London's Transportation Authority. The British fire department announced Friday that four people were suffocated by a fire at the Oxford Circus train station west of the capital.
Authorities face protests and criticism following the Greenville Tower fire in London in June, leaving dozens dead and missing. Earlier, the government said 60 residential towers had failed fire safety tests.

Source: Reuters

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wow i cant believe this happened! thanks!