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RE: Concerning Developments.

in #newslast year

I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Europe all you hear is "prepare for war". Literally, every day some politician or another issues grim warnings about the need to be prepared for war with Russia. As for NATO involvement in the conflict, it's an open secret that European troops already operate in Ukraine. Only yesterday a video emerged here in Romania about a train carrying rocket-launchers to Ukraine. Of course, there is no official reaction.
As for the US, with the current political situation anything is possible.


"...anything is possible."

This is why I felt led to post. Present circumstances make more bad things possible than ever, and good people should be as ready for them as possible. I have noted the rhetoric across Europe has rapidly become warmongering in the last month or so, and yet in the US we are sung lullabies by the press, and this is more concerning than the drums of war to me, because that's what you do to the intended enemies of aggression.
