Cornea cells 'successfully' grown and implanted to cure blindness

in #news8 years ago

Melbourne researchers say they have successfully grown and implanted cornea cells to cure blindness.

The cells were grown on a layer of synthetic film and transplanted into the eyes of animals, restoring vision.

Researchers are now preparing for human trials.

The technique, developed by researchers at Melbourne University and the Centre for Eye Research, could replace transplants of donated cornea.

The cornea is a transparent layer at the front of the eye. A layer of cells on its inner surface keeps it moist by "pumping" water out of it.

read more:'successfully'-grown-and-implanted-cure-blindness/7736240


Great news. Keep posting good news @nkdk

stem cells is a major science these days
did you hear about stem cell bank ?

Nope, but sounds like a great idea