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RE: I Solved the Israel Problem and to Stop the NATO Russian War: Ukrael

in #news8 months ago

Been awhile @arabisouri. I see you are still faithfully laboring away. No matter that I don't agree with most anything you have to say, I do respect the fact you continue on with your efforts. That is what "freedom of expression" is all about. A "foreign concept" in the lands you so ardently work to defend ...

Anyway ...

"To stop the blood-shedding of the real Semite people, the people of the Levant ..."

"The idea of creating the 'state of Israel' was never to benefit the Jews ..."

Somewhere, in all of your efforts, you have presumably written something about how on earth those who hold views similar to your own explain the references of the Old Testament of the Bible to the nation of Israel. If you would be willing to take the time to find it (them) and provide me a link(s), I will endeavor to find the time to read it (them).
