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RE: I Solved the Israel Problem and to Stop the NATO Russian War: Ukrael

in #news8 months ago

Very well written response. Thank you. Yes @arabisouri ...

"If you saw the previous comment, you'll see that it was downvoted, that's why I am not that active here in replying or even making new posts. If you're on Twitter, Discord, or any other platform ..."

... I am. On Discord, with the same name. I am a very private person, so all of my DM notifications there are "locked." I only respond to those with whom I have accepted a "Friend request," as I get many which are blocked, since I have no idea who they are. And, therefore, assume the worst ...

I will accept yours. I have some done some investigating. Which I will not "immutably enshrine" in this blockchain, but you may find it of interest ...