Why voting makes no difference.

in #news3 years ago


I got a severe case of neck cold yesterday in the fields.

So you got me for a day.

I watched this video yesterday of one Sir Keir Starmer the alleged opposition leader in the UK.

Labour in the UK. The political party was formed to represent the working class.

When someone called Sir is the leader. It is more a royal puppet party. That is what I thought from the day he was elected as leader.

Just like the local mayor here. He wants no debate about his lack of opposition to the Davos brigade and face mask tribe.

Statistics being the average aged death from alleged convid1984 being 82 years and 3 months of age. Well he simply took no notice did he.

There is behind "government" a rigid wall of career polis known as civil servants.

Vote one lot in. The face of today like Biden or Boris. And they get 4 years to ruin your life with bad mistakes.

They get voted out and go and sit on the board of directors of the oh so many companies that bribed them the most.

Voluntaryjapan sums it up quite nicely here hence me re-blogging the post https://hive.blog/anarchy/@voluntaryjapan/government-is-anarchy

Just like my local mayor here. they want no blame for bad decisions.
They just want to sit and drink champagne at our expense.

They went to university and regurgitated and repeated useless facts until they got a degree in politics.

Maybe we should all be a politician to piss them off.

For many many years I have been pointing out that useless tossers in politics are corrupt.
For many years I was ignored.

I will reiterate my point, they are corrupt.
When you base your money on nothing, backed by nothing and want it all back via tax to do as you please with no consequence. We end up here and now.

Data mining.

I just stumbled upon this superb lady from India.
I first heard her talk to Russel Brand in the UK a few days ago.

And then I found this gem of a talk.

It seems to be making a lot of money data mining us. Me and you. If you let them.

For many years it was useless data. Facebook and google turned it into a money maker.
But money backed by nothing is still worth = NOTHING.

When one of these useless tossers or tosserettes can be bothered to back their money with something I will take note. Until then I will not.

Anyway. I guess I best go back to the fields. Food does not grow itself.

It takes effort. Not money.

Have a superb week. Hope you liked the videos.

P.S. I will gladly write for free. Money is not my motivation here.
Just having a place to sound off my thoughts means more to me.


Thanks for the links mate I will check them out when I can get some time😁

Enjoy bro.

In the first video, it will have no effect on him being re-elected or not, they will spin it to where he was the one that was attacked, and not the Pub owner. It is a shame but I don't think the video will be allowed to go viral and at most only a few thousand people will see it.

I did enjoy the second video from after skool, a couple of things you and I have seen and mentioned the divide and conquer attitude and a lack of humanity recently. I hope more people learn to see the lack of humanity in these people pushing the agenda's of mass control and murder.

Good news bro. That vid did go viral. And yes. The lack of humanity is shocking. But I do see a kick back happening.
Everything has an equal and opposite reaction.

It will be a nicer world if people could only remember their humanity, glad to see the vid going viral I hope it makes a difference in the UK.

I've sent you 40 POB - as a thank you, for offering support a while back!

Ah thats where it came from, already sold it, (got a good price today for it), and bought some more SPI tokens. Thank you.

edit: Ah I see like just a little while ago, this morning I sold 45 or so, so now I have more to sell.

I don't think POB and me are a good fit.

It's your property, to do with as you wish, sir
(I'm not my sister, with the t-shirt! - trying to control you!...lol)

Thanks again.

One of the largest TV stations in the UK, ITV made it viral. Good on them. It got over 200,000 views on Youtube too.

Cold? What do you mean a cold? That is Clovis 19 so you have a 99.99999999% chance of being fine tommorrow

Just the wind caught my neck. No convid going on here. I know the feeling well. wind chill. I ride bikes bud.

Riding bikes increases the chance of catching convid - especially two strokes, they emit more viruses

Castor oil. You never forget the smell once used. My fav :-)