
Prospects are extremely fluid presently. Fortunately, I have recovered from my injury. I have supported myself by working, and presently cannot work, so this is an ongoing problem. I am preparing for all eventualities as I am able.

I hope your circumstances have stabilized, and necessary resources are available on an ongoing basis.

My foot and lower leg injury seems to be coming along, at least today is the first day I haven't had to use any pain relief though I probably will before I go to bed. It's been really hard to focus on anything deep the last couple weeks.

If you file taxes you should be getting a check like everyone else, the self employed can also file for unemployment, I don't know if they have to prove they pay into unemployment compensation but it may be worth checking out. From what I've gathered is supposedly the government is going to pay six hundred a week to the unemployed which if I am understanding it right is meant to enhance their state unemployment or cover losses occurred by the unemployed. There may be a chance you'll qualify under the federal payments if not under the state.

Things are calming down around here, the stores aren't completely full but there is more stock now of things people are looking for then there was before. They've had some heavy duty food drives for the low income people after one of the owners of a large retailer infused two million dollars into the area food banks. Our community though is known for taking care of everyone, even the homeless are spoiled around here. There's a kitchen they can go to everyday for hot meals, several coffee shops or do drop in centers for them with one even offering them use of a washer and dryer for their clothes, a thrift store where they can get a bag of clothes free each week, food from food pantries, free to low cost health clinics and if it gets freezing cold outside the city puts out an all out effort to find and locate them all and bring them inside. Sometime this year they are building bathrooms for them to use with special lighting that will make it impossible for them to be going in there and shooting up drugs as they won't be able to see their veins.