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RE: With Us or Against Us - The Ultimatum of Your Enemy

in #news4 years ago

A doctor who was quoted on DNA vaccines:

The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:

“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”

Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells.

This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes…

Like I said science has come no where near close to messing with human DNA and knowing the long term consequences, unfortunately those out in the far reaching jungles of third world countries won't have access to the scientific warnings that you'd have to be crazy to even consider it. These are the only people Gates are going to find gullible enough to subject themselves to such stupidity....unless the world stops him and when the time comes I think they will. He can do all the experimental drug development he wants that doesn't mean government(s) will allow their use outside those who voluntarily or for monetary reasons subject themselves to these vaccines for scientific research, there's just to many unknowns for the consequences of altering DNA, these types of trials would have to be followed into numerous generational offspring and potential effects for any consideration of widespread use. Like another scientist quoted "altering the DNA of one species can have an effect on another species"....speaking to altering the DNA of mosquito's...these DNA changes could evolve into changes in other species who thrive off eating mosquito's....there's just to much unknown. This is exactly what happened when they tried this with mosquitoes....Zika was born. Science has taken from that that messing with mother nature may not be such a bright idea...but none the less science must be free to go "controlled" fashioned in labs so they can learn the unknowns but subjecting these experiments onto humans or other species into the world is going to be meant with a whole lot of regulatory might to stop them until generational studies have proven them beyond a reasonable doubt. Bill Gates can spend his whole entire fortune but that doesn't mean he will be allowed to subject the world to his will.


" has come no where near close to messing with human DNA..."

We have no way of knowing that. I do not share your faith in our nescience.

"...unless the world stops him and when the time comes I think they will."

I hope so. But I don't think so. President Trump said that the vaccine(s) will become available by Oct, and the US military is ready to distribute them to the American public. That sounds like Trump is definitely on the same side as Gates, and is going to deploy the US military to forcibly vaccinate everyone in the US.

If that is the actual case, I will be injected - with hot lead, not some DNA altering swill.

I will prefer to die a human being, rather than whatever Gates and Trump have decided to turn me into.

Your grasp of the science is vastly better than many, who just have paid no attention to any of it. A lot of people have no idea the coming vaccine alters our DNA, don't know they have DNA, and don't know why they should care if their DNA is altered, and loudly call other people idiots for not groveling at the feet of their masters.

They will haply get vaccinated, and then become Gates' minions.

It may become necessary to institute eugenics just to prevent Gates from creating a breeding program, however, if the USG is with Gates on this, that's going to mean trouble. An underground eugenics movement that castrates or kills DNA modified GMOs the government calls citizens and Gates calls private property would arise.

Won't that be fun?

Your are totally confused on who is funding who. Gates is in a private development with Inovio, to my knowledge there's been no acknowledgement that the federal government is financially backing Inovio also, it hasn't been a company who've I've seen this administration mentioning. That isn't the only company Gates donates to for research but I am assuming the reason the company's vaccine hasn't been mentioned pubic-ally by this administration is they are aware this DNA vaccine will scare people away....something they can't afford to have happening.

My are, sadly.

Your what are?....

"Your are totally confused on who is funding who."

I'm just agreeing with you.