Kendall Jenner's Pepsi Ad Analyzed for the lol's

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Video has about 95% Dislikes the question is why?

Summary of what happens in the ad:
It starts off with some guy jamming on a cello which has nothing to do with anything. And then we see protesters marching which must be meant to represent anti trump protests like the antifa ones and that women's march thing. The crowds consist of every race and religion but with an emphasis on Islam since they are the only noticeable religion there by being the only ones with religious attire on. And a few random shots of a muslim woman wearing a hijab while marking photographs with a red pencil for some reason and then she gets pissed and swipes the pictures off the table and goes out to take pictures of the protesters marching for her own news column or something similar. There's some random modeling moment of kendall posing in a blonde wig. Then that Asian looking cello guy walks by kendall and gestures for her to come with him at which point kendall takes off her blonde wig symbolizing her ridding herself of any whiteness so that she can join the protest. Then there's a random shot of some transsexuals. Then kendall gives a pepsi to a white cop that's at the protest with a bunch of other cops that are there because of the protest.

This is why people don't like the ad:
The part where she gives the cop the pepsi is apparently a lot of the reason most people don't like the ad. Because people think its retarded that her giving the cop a pepsi somehow solves police brutality issues and such. But i think her giving the cop the pepsi and him accepting it represents the cop accepting what this pepsi stands for. The pepsi in this ad stands for acceptance of Muslim immigration, multiculturalism, anti trump/rightwing politics, anti police, anti white people.

The ad was directed by Bjorn Charpentier.
This article explains that "Many believed the scene where Kendall hands an officer a can of Pepsi, to bizarrely enthusiastic applause from the crowd, was intended to mimic the famous picture from last year when demonstrator Leshia Evans calmly faced down riot police.

However, Bjorn Charpentier, who directed photography for the ad, claimed he actually had in mind another iconic photo.
It shows a woman holding a single white flower approach armed police officers as part of demonstrations against the Vietnam War in the 1960s."

The ceo of pepsi is Indra Nooyi

Propaganda? Hashtag boycott pepsi? Propaganda or not that ad was really badly done. If they wanted to make an effective propaganda ad I don't know why they chose such an apparent RETARD to direct it. I'm glad they made it though because that was top kek.


What this ad says, in my opinion:

  1. Pepsi - Official sponsor of unnamed protests
  2. That protesting is a fashion trend. It's 'in' this year it will be something else.

Theres too many references to current events for it not to be a propaganda piece imho. Not to delve too much into conspiracies but even that song in the background says "we are the chosen" which may secretly be referring to jews LOL

Absolutely this is propaganda though I'm not prepare to go 'full jew' conspiracy on this one.

When i think about it a little more, it reminds me of Coca Cola murdering union organizers in Columbia.

There is some sick irony here.

Corporations are not generally pro-workers rights (see Walmart) or human rights (mining industry, Shell Nigeria).

The ad was either made by a bunch of triggered sjw's, someone deliberately trolling the alt right, or jews. I dont know which. Perhaps all of the above.

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