Indonesia 7.0 earthquake: tourists sheltered in the grassland, more than 40 trapped Chinese tourists were safe and began to evacuate

in #news6 years ago

An earthquake occurred in the northeastern part of Lombok, Indonesia. At 10:25 am on August 6, Nandu reporter learned from the Chinese Consulate-General in Denpasar that there are currently more than a thousand local residents and tourists trapped. The Chinese Consulate-General in Denpasar said that more than 40 trapped Chinese tourists were safe and began to evacuate. At present, the tsunami warning has been lifted. Indonesian officials are sending rescue and rescue vessels to Sandao (Gili Air, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Meno) to evacuate the trapped people. Some people have boarded the ship safely and evacuated to Lombok. All will be safely evacuated today.

At 19:46 on August 5, Central Indonesia, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck northeastern Lombok, Indonesia, with a focal depth of 15 kilometers. At present, 82 people have been killed and hundreds have been injured. More than 40 Chinese are trapped on the summit. .

According to the Chinese general in Denpasar, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale occurred in the northeastern part of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Aftershocks have been repeated many times and it is expected that aftershocks will still occur. After the earthquake, the official release of the yellow tsunami warning, the tsunami warning was lifted at 21:25.

On July 29, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred in Lombok. The aftershocks have reached more than 500 times. The Linjani volcano has repeatedly landslides and is still in a state of closure.

Sichuan netizen Mr. Zhang told the Southern Reporter that his friend Li and his colleagues were free to travel on July 25, and they were on Lombok Island during the earthquake. "The day before yesterday in Lombok Island, yesterday on the island of Lombok (gili meno) )."

Mr. Zhang said that his friend had reported to Ping An at 23:18 on August 5th, Beijing time. "At that time, her mobile phone was almost out of power. She and many people took refuge on the grass." Mr. Zhang said that his family and friends are currently Anxiously waiting for Miss Li’s news.

Domestic friends: local volcanic snow mountain landscape is very famous in the outdoor circle

According to public information, Lombok belongs to the island of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia. In the east of Bali, the two islands are 30 kilometers apart. "Longmu" means "chili" in Indonesian.

HerstoryBird, a traveler who is traveling in Bali, told the Southern Reporter that she had just arrived in Bali, Indonesia on August 5. “There was an earthquake,” she said, still on the island. “At present, Bali is safe and our tourism projects are going on normally. ."

A senior friend v. Nandu reporter, Lombok is very famous in the outdoor circle. There are outdoor club organizations in the country to go to the local mountaineering camp. "There are volcanoes in the area. The hiking process will also pass through the snow-capped mountains, so many friends go there."

Earlier, the Indonesian meteorological department issued a wave warning, from July 31 to August 6, including the southern part of Java, the Bali Strait, the Lombok Strait, the southern part of Bali, and the southern part of the Sinanu Island. . The Indonesian side strongly recommends that fishing boats and small vessels not to travel to the Shanghai area, and always pay attention to the latest weather and wave warnings.

According to Google Maps information, as of now, within 30 kilometers of the province of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, at 20:42 on the 5th, 20:49 on the 5th, 21:12, and 5 on the 5th. At 24:49, at 8:28 on the 6th, there were 5 strong aftershocks of magnitude 5 or so.
Indonesia alarm phone: +62-110

Medical emergency phone: +62-118

Bali Travel Alert and Helpline: +62-361-759687

Bali Provincial Police Service Center Tel (24 hours): +62-361-222200

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center Hotline +86-10-12308, +86-10-59913991

Consular Protection Protection Telephone at the Consulate General of Denpasar: +62-361-239902