Saudi Arabia was the target of cyber attacks after admitting the murder of Jamal Khashoggi

in #news6 years ago

An official website for a prominent summit held by Saudi Arabia has been the target of hacking. From the photos circulating on Twitter, hackers put up engineering drawings showing that Saudi authorities were executing journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


As proclaimed by the BBC, the Business Future Investment Initiative summit has been heavily affected by the Jamal Khashoggi murder case in recent weeks. Many parties boycotted the summit after the Washington Post columnist was allegedly killed on October 2 at the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

The "Davos of the Desert" summit will be held for three days from October 23 to 25 in Riyadh and aims to open up opportunities for companies to build relationships and secure lucrative contracts in the oil-rich kingdom.

The hacking of the summit page came just days after Saudi Arabia confirmed Khashoggi's death on Saturday. The page has returned to function after being inaccessible for at least six hours.

jamal khashoggi.jpg

As reported, Jamal Khashoggi reportedly disappeared after entering the Saudi Arabian Consulate Office in Istanbul on October 2 to get the documents needed for the marriage he was going to do.

After weeks of denying Khashoggi's death, last Saturday Saudi Arabia finally confirmed that the 59-year-old man was killed inside the consulate and his body had been removed.

Riyadh blamed Khashoggi's death on illegal operations carried out by a team of 15 Saudis. A total of 18 people have been arrested for the Khashoggi murder case, including 15 members of the team.

For Jamal Khashoggi, hopefully, his charity and worship will be accepted by the Almighty God. Amen.

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