3000 Pedophile Catholic Priests Identified With Hundreds of Thousands of Victims in France - New Report Published By Catholic Church

in #news3 years ago

The catholic church (among others) has long been known to be a haven for child rapists and other evils of various disturbing kinds. Now, a new internal investigation in France estimated 216,000 children have been sexually abused by around 3000 pedophile priests since the 1950.

Reuters today reported that the new report from the French church, published today, makes clear that the church not only 'turned a blind eye' to the abuse over entire generations but essentially facilitated it.

Having listened to a long list of survivors of such abuse (and much worse) coming out of Christian churches internationally for years, I am in no way surprised by this. The reality is that many church systems, the Catholic one in particular, as simply fronts for massive organised crime and little more. While it is true that any power structure that enables people to get close to children will be targeted by abusers, the reality is that despite it being very well known for generations that the Catholic church is totally institutionally infested with child rapists, nothing has been done in all this time to stamp it out. This is NOT an accident.

To understand why this is happening requires a deep dive into the Catholic church and also it's esoteric beliefs. These views are NOT made public. Just as with many major organisations, the actions and intents of the 'inner circle' are very different from the image projected to the public and most of their members. One important insight comes from this Rabbi, speaking about child abuse in Judaism - he states there are specific rituals involved designed to 'cleanse' the energy of the abuser. These are ancient ideas and relate to the emotional body and aura of the people involved.

You might want to reject any mention of anything energetic and esoteric when it comes to these situations, but the truth is that ideas like this don't last 1000s of years unless there is something to them. We are emotional beings on the deepest level and many people who are heartless in nature have exploited our denial of this for a very long time.

It remains to be seen what if anything is actually done as a result of this new report, but at the very least it needs to act as a catalyst for victims and researchers to mount new campaigns to expose the situation so that once and for all the Earth may be free from unloving control systems and psychopathic empires built on the premise of being 'loving' and 'Godly'.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Awesome job for the victims to stand up and Chase these priests down and hold them accountable. There was a lot of the residential school abuse that was never even recorded or exposed by most of the individuals who experienced it.

My grandfather was a victim of residential school abuse and passed on a legacy of horrific violence. Thankfully our entire family decided to choose another way. I got a chance to talk to my grandfather and for him to tell me what really has gone on and the damage that was inflicted upon the previous generation and the fallout upon our current generation.

For too long the church has victimized anyone they could not only financially but all the way to abusing their children as well as enslaving and selling them.

Which you could actually rent a native American child for a summer and then you had a young child that was completely at your mercy.

In fact I would like to point out Canadian residential school network for enabling Queen Elizabeth and I believe Prince Charles in murdering a bunch of native American children. Which is the reason why Queen Elizabeth cannot go to Canada there is an active warrant out for her arrest there.

We have some major issues in this world and we definitely need to start rectifying these

Yes, I think I first became aware of a lot of what happened in Canada through Kevin Annette. Having known various therapists I think even today the rate of child abuse in 'the west' is WAY higher than most people realise, it may be over 33% of the entire population that are victims.

Are you referring to the common law processes put together by Kevin Annette in regard to the warrant for Elizabeth Windsor? I'm not sure how enforceable that would be in real life, but I think that such people do pay attention when planning their travels!

We have some major issues in this world and we definitely need to start rectifying these

Yes, we all need to heal, balance and evolve. Almost everyone has been stuck only operating at the level of effects, without ever reaching true causes of things. Once we understand that the causes of all things are within our unconscious and sub conscious energy fields and how to work lovingly with them, we can rapidly change what currently seems impossible to resolve.

I didn't know that there was more to the story actually. I just have came across the scuttle butt about this. And the reason prince Harry and Meghan Markle ran off there. To hide from mommy.

And yes the human condition is very much traumatized and abused. I highly agree with that

These Jesuit Order cult members are allowing this, Pope Francis aka Bergoglio has always been an evil man.


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