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RE: US Lawmakers Push To Take Legal Immunity And Military Weapons Away From Cops

in #news4 years ago

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Outfitted in combat gear, cops see everyone as an enemy combatant. Is this the purpose for which Americans institute government, to fund and effect the arms and personnel to wage war against us?

No? Well, government is arming and training combat personnel to wage military aggression against unarmed civilian non-combatants in America.

So, the question becomes, how do we un-authorize government when it gets shit this wrong? Vote? Does that disarm combatants? Does it shield our bodies from bullets, or our children's eyes from pepper spray and poison gas?

This is why we have a second amendment. The authors of the Bill of Rights had just un-authorized the British government that claimed to rule by Divine Right. They needed personal arms and to undertake war to un-authorize government, so they wrote the Second Amendment to ensure Americans could un-authorize government when it became onerous and oppressive - which it sure fucking has.

If you're surrounded by nails, and have no hammer, you can't do shit.

Get the tools you need to do the job that needs to be done.

Make America Free Again!