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RE: US / UK / Australia Psyop's

in #news5 years ago

My father was an English teacher, and he learnt me real good.

That's what he told me to tell people. Actually, I hated school, and just read a lot of pulp science fiction novels before the internet provided better entertainment. I prefer folks to speak plainly.

I also am familiar with some of the methods which they use to extract your financial resources. It is primarily why I haven't used banks for a decade now. Also why I'm not married. The worst attacks are treachery, and only because people you trust get inside your guard.



Haha my aunt is an English teacher, I missed those genes. I have been lucky, they have managed to drive friends away but little treachery. The treachery has come from undercover agents, the foreign agents are not protected by Australian Law so naming them is an option.