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RE: COVID-19(84): SECRET FACILITIES For The “Uncooperative”, Masking 19 MONTH OLD BABY & New LOCKDOWN RULES!!!

in #news4 years ago

The CDC has pointed out that only 6% of reported deaths from SARS-CoV-2 can be attributed to the virus alone. Not only are your numbers absolutely unreliable, so is your advocacy for a vaccine - as even you point out.

Present vaccine candidates cause systemic side effects in everyone that gets a strong dose, and there's not even a hint that vaccines are able to reduce morbidity and death from respiratory viruses at all. Prior attempts to make vaccines for respiratory viruses all caused worse morbidity and death.

These vaccines haven't been tested for efficacy at all yet because they aren't at all safe yet. Given the novel nature of their mechanism of action, altering our DNA, it's extremely doubtful they ever will be safe.

Given these facts, Sweden looks to be making all the right moves.

Which is none.

When everything you can do can only make the problem worse, doing nothing is the right thing to do.

Nothing we can do will make people live forever, but only living free has value. Live free or die a slave.

Dying a slave is worthless to you or your people. Having your DNA forcibly altered with Bill Gates patented genetic sequence makes you a slave. His actual personal property, through making your DNA his property. Monsanto established the legal precedent of proprietary DNA imparting ownership interest decades ago.

Value your freedom or have no value is the real choice we face regarding the technocratic totalitarian tyranny being imposed by Gates and Soron on us today. Sweden seems to have made the right choice in that regard.
