The Las Vegas Mass Shooting...Politicians need to STOP PLAYING GAMES! | Political Cartoon by Voyce Atlas

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Another one?!
I guess they think its a game...

Last night October 1st in Las Vagas Mr Badcock (I won't use his real name...) opened fire on a field of people during a concert.
I won't post any video or pictures of what happened. I don't want to give it more energy.


think this is a game?.jpg


Every time something like this happens we hear,

"We must not let this happen again... bla bla bla the other side bla bla bla"

And still, nothing done about it!

I don't care what side of the political spectrum you are on. You have to agree that we have a major problem when it comes to guns access in our country.

It's 'Mass Murder Porn"

BOTH sides are playing games with our lives just for a little bit of tv time on the soul-sucking cable news networks instead of doing something about it. The news stations seem to get hard-ons when something like this happens. When there is a shooting, I noticed that the coverage is all day for a few days and the frequency of commercial breaks increases. They don't give a shit what happens as long as they advertisers pay up.

What the hell is the argument about?

We can argue all day about the second amendment, but one thing that EVERY sane person should agree on is that we can't just let anyone buy a gun. We also have to agree that there is NO reason for anyone to have a fully automatic weapon. If the law enforcement did not find the shooter when they did it could have been a lot worse.

Get off social media and tv!

You would think they would do something when their very own members were victims of a shooting a few months ago. Instead of tweeting about it and whoring themselves on tv they should get together and actually figure something out. I don't think we should ban all guns. I don't think we should make it easy to get them either. Why can't that just be what we all agree on? How can any person disagree with those two statements?

Thoughts and positive energy to the people affected by this disgusting act.


First of all, ISIS often takes credit for incidents when they have had absolutely zero involvement. It has not been confirmed that this is true. Secondly, if the man was a proprietor of ISIS or not is pretty irrelevant. What we do know is that he was an American citizen who had a ton of weaponry and ammunition. He had complete access to purchasing it. No one needs an automatic weapon for anything unless you are planning to kill someone. Automatic weapons are not used for hunting; they are used by the military and law enforcement. The whole point of the post is about this sort of violence and the fact that no matter what happens; children shot and killed, US Congressman shot and nearly killed....our Congress does nothing about gun ownership because the NRA is ultra powerful. When will our government choose it's people over it's egotistical power? No one needs to take guns from everyone, but why do we not have federal checks and balances on who can buy guns, how many and what kind? Why doesn't that make sense?

yeah im sick of the games now. numb to all of this

guns are not the problem.
ISIS claimed responsibility.

wtf does isis claiming it have to do with what happened. so if they didnt you would care less? its almost like we only care if isis does something... does it really matter if people died?

well duh.
ISIS is the cause.
they said they did it.

if they couldn't use a gun they'd use a truck or a knife..
oh wait..
they've done that too.

with your logic... our government is the reason then... because we created the atmosphere for them to exist... but you will probably disagree and say we are giving them democracy and "they hate us for our freedom" bullshit... so its whatever... you must be trolling for real... and if they couldnt use a gun IT WOULD NOT BE SO EASY TO KILL PEOPLE... GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKERS ARE DENSE... more guns for more crazy people... you should run for president...

???? How does Isis claiming responsibility which they do often when they are not responsible have ANYTHING TO DO WITH guns? So you are saying that him having access to an automatic gun is a good thing? cool... that makes sense... So what is the problem? elaberate... Because I never said guns are the problem... How easy it is to get guns is the problem. I honestly don't see how anyone can say otherwise... unless you are trolling. I bet your views would change if god forbid anyone close to you got injured in something like this...

why are you defending ISIS?

lol PLEASE explain how im defending isis? did you hit your head or something? seriously listen to yourself... how are you at a 72? lol wtf... geeze...

is english your second language?
I guess that would explain it.
too bad...ISIS are bad people.
why do you adore them?

and why do you go to that "English your second language" bullshit? what if it was? lol I knew you were one of those types... go spit in a bucket... and clean your gun... you make no sense but think you do and that's your right... but you are just making up things that I never said... you also made this post about something it wasn't... which people like you usually do... WHO THE FUCK SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SUPPORTING ISIS? I think people like you are funny. I respect people's opinions but not when they decided to attack me and not even make sense... oh and I love the pinch of racism you threw in there... Thanks for the entertainment. Have a great day.

why do you hate old people?