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RE: How You Can Help Steemit, Inc Make Money (And Why You Should)

in #newsteem5 years ago

I'm not sure what's disingenuous about it. Yes, of course I want to do whatever I can to help the value of STEEM since I'm a large holder of it. I expect that most people here, including yourself, would want to do the same.

I'm not in any way defending or promoting steemit inc or have just as bad things to say about them as anyone else. But the reality is that Steem's fate is tied with Steemit's. They are dumping tons of STEEM on the market every month because of how poorly they ran the business in the past. It sucks but if we want Steem to have a chance we need to help Steemit be successful - both the company and the website which is still the most popular and well known app on the platform. Synonymous with the blockchain itself in most people's minds.

I would love to be able to say "screw steemit, we don't need them and let's let them fail", but the reality is that that will likely just be shooting ourselves in the foot. So, if it wasn't clear in the post - I have a lot of STEEM and I want the price to go up. I assume most here want the same. Like it or not, helping Steemit be successful is one of the best chances we have to make that happen.

Other ways to try to make that happen are to bring more people to the platform and build more things on the platform. I'm trying my best to do that as well.


Shouldn't they be dumping significantly less with all of the cost savings they've been raving about for a while now?