
이상한 ALTLEFT 계정처럼 보입니다. 영수증이 있습니다.


You can see it here.

If you have any questions about Blurt, let me now.

Also I'll match 1:1 whatever you power up there in a 4 week delegation up to 100,000 blurt, just to add a little incentive.

Thanks very much for this. I've passed it on to the team and I'm trying to persuade them.

If you end up switching, post something so followers know.

You are very welcome. I'm glad the message has reached you well.

You should also know that I've been a trader and investor for most of the last twenty years. In my honest opinion, there is high possibility for Blurt to explode much higher in price from here; where Hive is on the "go woke go broke" train. You can even see it in the price action. Here is my recent analysis of both hive and blurt.

Written nine days ago about the hive market

And this was written about Blurt two days ago.

Let me know if there if their is anything else I can do to help. :)

Thanks for all the information.

Question for you. These people who continually down vote my posts, can I not just block them or does that not work?

That dude is gonna feed you another line of bullshit. Fair warning.

Hey, don't really spend time here anymore. I'm now #9 witness on Blurt and things are moving in the right direction there. We certainly welcome you to come. Hive is set up where the big money can control everything through down-vote. They don't want your posts trending, earning, even being visible....they'll just down vote you until you are gone for whatever reason...period. Blurt, there is no control mechinism like that. Hope this reaches you well.

So blurt forcing ctime out doesn't seem like "things are moving in the right directions"

Lol, knockoffs are never as good as the original.