Nexty solves the main blockchain problems

in #nexty6 years ago

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In addition to a number of advantages, which are known to almost all crypto-enthusiasts, the existing blockchain technology also has a number of disadvantages. The most common and well-known of these is the use of technology in criminal activities.

Many trading platforms now support bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. There people buy and sell their goods and services. Since the essence of cryptocurrencies is anonymity, user purchases can not be tracked, not to mention the issues of legality. Cryptocurrency is often used to sponsor terrorism, sell illegal goods, weapons and drugs. Companies are struggling with the laundering of money through cryptocurrency through programs of users verification.

Double-spending. Although transactions are confirmed by a consensus mechanism, there is still a small opportunity to conduct the transaction again. A hacker can use the time interval between two transactions and confirm them both.

The leak of the confidentiality of the transactions. Unfortunately, measures to protect privacy in the blockchain are not very reliable. The fraudulent smart contracts can facilitate the leakage of confidential information, theft of cryptographic keys, etc. However, even despite all the shortcomings, the technology has proved to be positive and has shown that it can be used in almost any sphere of business life.

Scalability. Today, one of the main problems of the blockchain is its capacity. Companies are not in a hurry to introduce breakthrough technology in their business so that it would turn out that transactions get stuck, and the commissions increase. Although we have seen that the blockchain is successful in demos and different projects, no one has ever tested the blockchain to solve full-scale real-complexity problems. More importantly, none of the large corporations has yet decided to completely switch to the blockchain, abandoning existing networks.

How does Nexty solve all these problems?

Nexty offers a unique platform where there are no transaction fees, and the payments themselves occur instantly. This is achieved through a unique approach to cryptocurrencies: in Nexty they are supposed to be two tokens. One token, NTY, is used to secure daily transactions. With NTY you can pay for goods and services, transfer money to other users.

All this system is provided by NTF tokens, which will be in the hands of only selected users. NTF tokens are used to confirm transactions. Thus, Nexty solves the issue of long operations in the system. In addition, the system does not provide for transaction fees - they are absolutely zero. This is provided by a very different approach to mining - miners, who include a record in the block, do not receive a commission from each operation. They are credited with a monthly income for each month. Thus, they are not interested in skipping any transactions ahead of others.

Thus, Nexty will become a new blockchain that will save this technology from existing problems. Moreover, Nexty is not just a concept or an idea - It is a working technology. Already now you can buy tokens of this company on the exchanges, and touch the real technological revolution. Very soon Nexty will become one of the most durable crypto-platforms, so do not miss the right time to join it!



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